Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Lou Paulsen

Progressives in the Chicago area are discussing better ways 
to come to the defense of Arab, Muslim and other Asian 
peoples who face a continuing wave of racist attacks.

On two successive nights following the Sept. 11 disaster, 
hundreds of racist white youths, waving American flags, 
gathered in the southwest suburb of Oak Lawn and marched 
toward a mosque in nearby Bridgeview.

Police in riot gear held back the racists, but shut down 
access to the Arab community near the mosque, forcing people 
to show identification to enter and leave. In talking with 
media, the police referred to the mob as "showing their 

Other assaults on people and property have taken place all 
over the Chicago area. A south Asian gas station attendant 
was assaulted twice in one day, the second time by a man 
with a machete. A gasoline bomb was thrown into an Arab 
community center, fortunately doing no damage, and gunshots 
were fired into a shop in Gary. A cab driver was beaten by 
two men, and a mosque in Chicago was vandalized.

As of Saturday police had reported a dozen attacks serious 
enough to be called "hate crimes." There have been more 
since, and other assaults may not have been reported to the 
police. And verbal harassment is even more common.

Many Muslim women have been afraid to leave their homes in 
traditional dress, and it was estimated by a Sun-Times 
reporter that one third of the city's Muslim cabdrivers have 
been staying off the job.

A young man told a Workers World Party meeting, "My 
girlfriend's brother broke up one attack. A racist had 
dragged a guy out of a convenience store and was beating him 
up in the parking lot."


The vast majority of the working people are clearly opposed 
to this sort of racist attack. Religious leaders and 
community leaders have participated in vigils and interfaith 
services with Muslims, and government officials have so far 
denounced them and have promised arrests and prosecutions.

On Friday, over 100 people, organized by the Southwest 
Organizing Project and the Southwest Youth Collaborative, 
formed a human chain of solidarity around the Al-Salaam 
Mosque on 63rd street at Homan. This will take place every 
week during the Friday midday prayer service.

One paper reported that "Protestants and Catholics, whites, 
blacks and Hispanics carried signs with the Muslim greeting, 
Peace be upon you, Assalam Alaikum, and Christians, Jews and 
others support our Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters.

But progressives in Chicago realize that more has to be 
done. Workers have to make it clear that they won't just 
"call the police," but will personally come to the defense 
of the targets of racist attacks and assaults.

And, as an Arab American organizer pointed out, "Right now 
it's been private people doing these attacks. But pretty 
soon, it'll be the government. They'll attack individuals 
and organizations, or sweep through the neighborhood 
arresting people. That's when we'll need even more support."

- END -

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