Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 1, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

Three prominent Black women--two of them African American 
and the other African Canadian--have been outspoken against 
U.S. foreign policy as the Pentagon continues to bomb 
Afghanistan with impunity.

They have gone against the tide in the middle of an 
unprecedented pro-war, anti-dissent campaign on the part of 
the big business media.

Two of the women, Cynthia McKinney and Barbara Lee, are 
members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, was the only member of 
Congress to oppose a resolution giving President George W. 
Bush unlimited authority to use military force after the 
attacks on Sept. 11.

Although Lee received thousands of letters and phone calls 
of support, she also received numerous death threats for 
express ing a position that was politically mild.

On Oct. 21, 3,000 people rallied in downtown Oakland to 
support her. Actor Danny Glover and writer Alice Walker were 
among those who came to speak of her courage.

Cynthia McKinney, a Georgia Democrat, wrote an open letter 
to Prince Alwaleed bin Talal from Saudi Arabia on Oct. 12. 
McKinney thanked him for offering a $10 million check to 
those who were direct ly affected by the Sept. 11 attacks. 
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had rejected the check 
because the prince made political statements about U.S. 
policies abroad, especially regarding the situation of the 

Much of McKinney's letter focused on linking the state of 
Black America with U.S. international policy. McKinney 
compared the infant mortality rate in Harlem with that of 
Bangladesh in South Asia. She spoke out against the racist 
use of the death penalty along with the attacks on the 
Voting Rights Act and affirmative action.

McKinney also raised the genocidal war on the Palestinians 
at the hand of Zionist Israelis and the horrendous situation 
facing the Iraqi people after 10 years of U.S.-led economic 

Sunera Thobani is a Tanzanian-born professor of women's 
studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. 
She is an anti-imperialist feminist and former head of the 
National Action Committee on the Status of Women. On Oct. 1, 
she addressed the "Women's Resistance: From Victimization to 
Criminalization" conference in Ottawa.

She lambasted U.S. and Canadian international policies in 
her speech. Her major theme was "U.S. foreign policy is 
soaked in blood." She asked the audience to think about the 
fact that millions of people are being asked to identify 
with the victims of Sept. 11. But who, she asked, is feeling 
the pain of those in Iraq and Palestine, Chile, El Salvador 
and Nicaragua, who have suffered and died at the hand of 
U.S. imperialism?

Thobani also spoke about how people of color have 
historically and traditionally been characterized as 
"uncivilized, forces of darkness, evil doers ... this 
language is rooted in the colonial legacy. It was used to 
justify our colonization by Europe." Thobani also spoke 
about the hypocrisy on the part of the West--especially the 
U.S.--in claiming this war will "save Afghani women." She 
countered that U.S. foreign policy was greatly responsible 
for maintaining the Taliban government's power in 

As a result of her very militant speech, which received 
several standing ovations, Thobani has come under severe 
political attack by various sectors of the Canadian 
government. The Royal Canadian Mount ed Police is 
investigating her for a potential violation of Section 319 
of the Canada Criminal Code: "inciting hatred against an 
identifiable group." The RCMP is also calling for her 
dismissal from the UBC faculty.

An online petition in support of Thobani's right to free 
speech can be found at www.rabble.ca, along with the entire 
text of her speech.

- END -

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