Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Mark Marzolf
Dearborn, Mich.

Over 100 people marched in front of Dearborn City Hall on 
Nov. 29 to voice their opposition to the racist-profiling 
dragnet imposed by the U.S. Justice Department against the 
Arab-American population.

The "Justice" Department plans to question some 5,000 Arab-
Americans as part of its ongoing investigation into the 
events of Sept. 11. This same government body recently 
concluded an investigation into the Detroit Police 
Department, which led the nation in fatal shootings of 
civilians by police departments during the 1990s, without a 
single prosecution.

The demonstration was organized by the Detroit Anti-War 
Network. People carried signs declaring "FBI and INS out of 
Dearborn!" and chanted colorful and militant slogans such as 
"Black, Arab, Latino, Asian and white--We demand our civil 
rights!" and "Arab-Americans under attack! What do we do? 
Stand up--fight back!"

A statement issued by DAWN says: "5,000 Arab men who have 
arrived here in the last year are to 'voluntarily' report 
for questioning at local law enforcement departments. Police 
departments in Oregon and Texas have refused to assist with 
the questioning because it stinks of racial profiling, and 
there is no basis to question these men."

Lawyers for several of the 566 men targeted for questioning 
in the metropolitan Detroit area have confirmed that those 
who "voluntarily" decide not to respond to the Justice 
Department by the Dec. 4 deadline will nevertheless be paid 
a "follow-up" visit by FBI agents.

Thousands of Arab-Americans from New York to Los Angeles 
have been victimized by an escalating and systematic state 
sponsorship of racial profiling and intimidation since Sept. 

Within days of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, 
a mosque and frequent meeting place of the Islamic Student 
Union at Wayne State University in Detroit was vandalized. 
Broken windows and racial slurs covered the building.

The next night, in an immediate wave of solidarity, a 
diverse gathering of hundreds stood watch over the mosque 
during a boisterous demonstration against these racist 

The number of discrimination and ethnic intimidation reports 
fielded by the Michigan chapter of the American-Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee has increased from an average of 20 
per week to well over 200. This is a nationwide trend, 
according to the ADC.

Michigan is home to some 350,000 Arab-Americans, the biggest 
Arab population in the United States. Some 700 Arabs in the 
state are currently being targeted by Attorney General John 
Ashcroft and the Justice Department's racist investigation.

In the city of Dearborn, over 20 percent of the populous is 
Arab-American, making up the biggest percentage of Arabs in 
any U.S. city. Middle Eastern restaurants, bakeries, grocery 
stores and retail shops are an enormous part of the cultural 
diversity in the metropolitan Detroit community.

Some 200 Arab men in Dearborn alone have received letters 
from the Justice Department seeking "cooperation." Those 
interviewed would be subject to highly personal questions, 
such as their political and religious beliefs, as well as 
information about family and friends--where they work, where 
they live and where they go to school.

A fundamental source of genuine cooperation is trust. Do the 
Arab and Muslim Americans have any reason to trust the U.S. 
ruling class?

ADC Vice President Khalil E. Jahshan condemns the racist 
questioning as "a short-sighted public relations gimmick 
that is destined to fail because the trust needed to secure 
Arab participation in such a program no longer exists."

Jahshan said, "The trust between the U.S. government, 
including law enforcement agencies, and the Arab community 
has been further eroded over the past few weeks by denial of 
due process, by revoking of attorney-client privileges, by 
arbitrary and extended detention, and by casting the 
investigative net so broadly as to implicate thousands of 
innocent people."

And there is more: the international control of U.S. 
imperialism through its military and economic sponsorship of 
Israel, which continues to subjugate the people of Palestine 
to an intensifying occupation and military war carried out 
by heavily armed convoys, aircraft and tanks against highly 
populated villages; the sanctions against Iraq, where more 
than 1.5 million people have died a slow, agonizing, 
premature and preventable death; and now an escalating war 
in Afghanistan, where hospitals, Red Cross and food-supply 
depots, schools and mosques have all been destroyed by 
missiles and carpet bombs bearing the stars and stripes.

The racist profiling measures and executive directives smack 
of martial law. They are reminiscent of the civil, 
constitutional and human-rights violations seen throughout 
U.S. history against many peoples of color and progressive 

- END -

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