Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World
Madrid, Spain

Representatives of sectors of the Spanish progressive 
movement, countries and movements Washington has threatened 
in its so-called war on terror, and the anti-war movements 
of Britain and the United States gathered in the main 
auditorium of the General Union of Workers (UGT) in Madrid 
Nov. 23 to discuss "Today's World: War or Peace?"

The Organization in Solidarity with the Peoples of Asia, 
Africa and Latin America (OSPAAAL) in Spain called the 
discussion. OSPAAAL chairperson Jaime Ballesteros moderated 
the forum, which included a lively question-and-answer 

While the speakers represented a variety of viewpoints and 
different countries, the overall impact of the meeting was 
to condemn U.S. aggression against Afghan istan and to warn 
of the dangers of new wars.

Gaspar Llamazares, general coor dinator of the United Left 
in Spain, set the tone by condemning the U.S. war and also 
the cooperation of the Spanish government with the 
"coalition against terror." Spain's government is led today 
by a right-wing party, with Jose Maria Aznar as prime 

Isabel Allende, Cuban ambassador to Spain, discussed the new 
dangers for world peace and made it clear that the Cuban 
people supported their government and would defend it 
against any threats. Mohamed Abdul Assis Hossein, Iraqi 
ambassador, represented his country's point of view. Olgher 
Santodomingo Guarin described how death squads in Colombia 
have been carrying out terror against the progressive 
movement there.

All these three areas have been named as potential targets 
of Bush's anti-terror crusade.

An important element in the program was a talk by Spojmai 
Zariab, an Afghan writer who has been living in exile in 
Montpelier, France, since 1991. She spoke of the situation 
for women in Afghanistan and the hardships caused to the 
Afghan people by 23 years of war, now topped by the U.S. 
bombing campaign.

John Catalinotto of the International Action Center 
described the political situation in the U.S. following 
Sept. 11 and described how the Bush administration took 
advantage of the population's fear to mobilize for war. He 
also outlined how the IAC initiated the ANSWER coalition to 
immediately mobilize an anti-war movement that brought 
marches of 20,000 people each to both Washington and San 
Francisco on Sept. 29.

Jeremy Corbyn, a Labor Party deputy to the British 
Parliament, told how the anti-war movement in Britain had 
been able to mobilize 100,000 people for a demonstration in 
London on Nov. 18, doubling the size of its first effort. 
The demonstration, he said, had support from labor, from the 
large Muslim community in Britain, from the anti-nuclear 
movement, from left parties and even from Labor Party 
supporters unhappy with Prime Minister Tony Blair's pro-U.S. 
war policies.

The Spanish audience was encouraged by the reports of anti-
war resistance within the major imperialist powers that are 
carrying out the bombing in Afghanistan--the U.S. and 
Britain. Little of this resistance is reported in the big-
business media.

Catalinotto later brought messages of solidarity from the 
U.S. movement to other anti-war meetings in Spain, including 
a country-wide meeting of anti-globalization forces in 
Zaragoza on Nov. 24 held to plan actions for the first half 
of 2002.

- END -

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