Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 3, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Jerry Goldberg
Benton Harbor, Mich.

Benton Harbor, Mich., was rocked by rebellion in mid-June, after police
killed a Black man. The rebellion brought into national focus the police
brutality, racism and economic devastation that characterize this
southwest Michigan town of 12,000 whose population is 95 percent African
American--and many other similar communities across the country.

The Rev. Edward Pinkney spends every day monitoring racist treatment of
Benton Harbor youths by the Berrien County courts. Pinkney led several
community protest meetings against police brutality in Benton Harbor in
the past few months.

He described the June 16 police killing that sparked the rebellion as
follows. Terrance Shurn was riding his motorcycle in Benton Harbor when
a police car began bumping the back of his vehicle. Shurn sped off to
escape the police harassment. Another police car cut him off, shunting
his motorcycle into a building.

The officer who forced the motorcycle into the building was a white cop,
Mark Lundin. Lundin belongs to the Benton Harbor Township police force
that encompasses some of the white suburbs surrounding this African
American city.

As Shurn lay dead, Lundin and the other officer present reportedly gave
each other high fives.

There are more than 40 witnesses to this event.

The alleged "crime" that led to Shurn's death was running a stop sign.

Many in Benton Harbor believe the police are now hard at work covering
up evidence--repairing fenders, etc.

After Shurn's death, some 200 people attended a regularly scheduled
Benton Township Trustees meeting to register their complaints about
police brutality. Many said they simply can't take it anymore. They said
they hope accounts about conditions here go out far and wide, because
the experiences of the African American community have not been fairly
or accurately reported.

Yvonne Diggs, Shurn's cousin, described how he was loved in the
community. Columbus Franklin, who grew up with Shurn, said that his
friend, like many young adults,was ready to leave Benton Harbor because
there are no jobs here. Seventy-five percent of the population is
unemployed. Shurn was planning to move to Florida on July 1 to go to
school there.


Shurn's death, which occurred on a Benton Harbor corner where many young
people hang out, sparked a June 16-17 rebellion by hundreds of youths.
They lit fires, smashed police cars and fought off the police for two
nights running.

The comments of many Benton Harbor residents made clear that this
rebellion was not just over the police killing of Shurn. It was over the
pattern of police abuse and economic devastation to which the African
American community has been subjected for years.

The Rev. Pinkney described how 11-year-old Trenton Patterson was struck
and killed while he stood on the sidewalk in downtown Benton Harbor in
September 2000, in another police pursuit case that turned deadly.

Yvette Taylor, a lifelong resident of Benton Harbor, said she has seen
years and years of police brutality and "it's all because of racism."

She told how Benton Harbor police killed Arthur Porter on April 12. His
mother had called the police due to a family fight. The police came, put
him in a choke hold and killed him.

She told how her cousin, Antoine Osby, was recently at an after-hours
club when the Benton Township police arrived and ordered everyone to go
outside. When Osby went outside, cops beat him viciously.

On July 19, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm came to Benton Harbor to
"investigate." Granholm, a recently elected Democrat, never once came to
Benton Harbor during her election campaign.

At a town hall meeting, speaker after speaker testified that the root of
the rebellion was the economic devastation that characterizes this city--
coupled with the racist criminal injustice system that swallows up the

Emma Hall of the African American Arts and Culture Council testified
that the rebellion reflected the pain of unemployment, no health care
and, for many, no utilities. She said, "Because the leaders did not take
action, the people took action themselves."

Belinda Brown told of praying for a State of Emergency for Benton Harbor
to address the poverty. She offered the following examples: a woman who
is living in a house that has been condemned for over four years but
still has to pay $400 a month rent; a man who has not been able to find
a job for seven years, despite a high school diploma and college; a
woman whose water has been turned off in her home because she cannot pay
the $200 water bill.

The only things being built, Brown stressed, are a new courthouse and
jail "to fill up with our youth."

While Granholm promised to set up a "task force" to look into what can
be done for Benton Harbor, the fact is that Michigan, like states across
the country, is cutting funding for social programs and education.

On June 19, Benton Harbor youths held their own town meeting. Many
brought hand-made signs protesting racism and police brutality and
demanding jobs. They wore T-shirts in remembrance of Terrance Shurn.

Many of the youths had participated in the rebellion. They said they
were proud to have stood up and forced the authorities and the country
to take note of the devastation to which they have been subjected to for

At this meeting, Kevin Hunter, a local leader in the reparations
movement, eloquently explained how Benton Harbor's problems stem from
the mindset of St. Joe. He was referring to St Joseph--the affluent,
virtually all-white city across the bridge from Benton Harbor.

The situation is reminiscent, Hunter said, of apartheid South Africa,
with Black workers laboring for their white bosses for starvation wages
and then being sent home to Bantustans at night.

While things have quieted for the moment, the struggle in Benton Harbor
is far from over. Despite the talk of reconciliation by Granholm, Jesse
Jackson and others, the Benton Harbor police chief announced that the
cops are reviewing tapes of the rebellion and will be preparing
wholesale prosecutions.

This holds the potential of reigniting the struggle. The Rev. Pinkney
announced plans for more mass demonstrations and community rallies in
upcoming days.

There are many Benton Harbors across the United States--ready to explode
in the period to come.

- END -

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