Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 24, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Peter Cook

The eyes of the country and the world will be focused on Boston this 
summer when the Democratic Party holds its national convention here July 

The Democratic Party as well as the city of Boston have been planning 
the convention for over a year, spending tens of millions of dollars to 
orchestrate the nomination of John Kerry. Despite this outpouring of 
obscene amounts of money and the tightest security ever, the Democrats 
will receive anything but a warm welcome when they arrive in Boston.

The ANSWER coalition also has plans for the DNC. Unlike the Democrats, 
who have to hide behind a phalanx of security, and unlike those who hide 
behind the "anyone but Bush" mantra, ANSWER has called for a national 
demonstration in the streets of Boston on July 25 to protest this party 
of capitalism, racism, bigotry, imperialism and war.

The protesters will hold a kickoff rally at the Boston Common starting 
at 12 noon. Then they will march through the streets of Boston.

People from throughout the country are coming to Boston to participate 
not just in this protest but also in the many other protests scheduled 
during the convention week.

Unions representing Boston city workers also have plans for the 
convention. For the past several months 32 unions, including the Boston 
school bus drivers of Steel Workers Local 8751 and Electrical Work ers 
Local 2222, have been meeting and holding protests to demand that their 
contract demands be met. Otherwise, they say, they will protest at the 

These protests have been extremely successful in building the community/ 
labor solidarity necessary to win a good contract. They are a precursor 
of what can be expected at the convention.

The July 25 demonstration will focus on the role of Sen. John Kerry and 
the Demo cratic Party in supporting the Bush administration's war and 
occupation of Iraq. The demonstration will also oppose the government's 
post-Sept. 11 attacks on civil rights and civil liberties. It will 
demand funding for jobs, housing, education and health care, not the 
Pentagon's war machine.

The Democratic Party leadership has been complicit in President George 
W. Bush's war against social, legal and civil liberties at home.

According to a statement released by the ANSWER coalition: "The people 
are mobilizing in opposition to the illegal invasion and occupation of 
Iraq, which could not have happened without the complicity of the 
Democratic Party and its members in Congress. Tens of thousands of 
Iraqis have been killed and many more wounded. More than 800 U.S. troops 
have been killed and thousands wounded and maimed.

"John Kerry has made it clear that he not only supports the occupation 
of Iraq but that he would send more troops if elected president. Kerry 
has accused the Bush administration of not doing enough to over throw 
the elected government of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Kerry has repeat 
edly outlined his support for Israel while it wages war on the 

"Both parties are opposed to providing benefits and legal safeguards to 
undocumented workers and their families. Both parties have engaged in 
scapegoating and targeting of immigrant communities and their legal and 
social rights.

"Both Bush and Kerry have expressed their opposition to equal marriage 
rights for the LGBT community and they have both stood in opposition to 
affirmative action.

"Both the Republican and Democratic parties have been responsible for a 
massive transfer of wealth from badly needed social programs to the 
Penta gon's war budget. Devastating cuts in housing, education, job 
training, veteran's benefits, and health care are imposing a new level 
of human suffering, especially in working class and poor communities. 
Hard est hit are African-American and Latino communities. The Democrats 
and the Republicans are attempting to abrogate civil rights and 
liberties while simultaneously falsely positioning Arab-Americans and 
Muslims as 'enemies within' as exemplified by the passage of the 
'Patriot Act.'

"Both the Republicans and Democrats represent and are subservient to an 
economic and social order which puts the global pursuit of profits first 
and the rights of poor, working and oppressed people last. It is time to 
build an independent movement that will put an end to wars of conquest, 
racism and all forms of bigotry. The resources being used to fund the 
Pentagon belong to our communities and are needed for jobs, housing, 
health care and education."

This protest comes at a critical time. U.S. imperialism is on the 
defensive. The much-vaunted economic recovery hasn't materialized. The 
adage that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer" has never 
been truer. And there is increasing awareness that the Democratic Party 
fails to offer a real alternative.

The ANSWER coalition is encouraging everyone to come to Boston on July 
25 and participate in this demonstration and, if possible, stay for the 
whole week. Organizers say it is time for an independent movement of 
poor, working and oppres sed people.

Fliers are available for download at www.answerboston.org. If you would 
like more information or would like to get involved in helping to build 
this protest please contact ANSWER Boston at 617-522-6626 or 

- END -

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