Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 24, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By WW Boston bureau

Thousands of lesbians and their supporters marched through the streets
of Boston June 11 in the 10th annual "Dyke March."

The mood of the victory around same-sex marriage rights in the state was
apparent. Those who lined the sidewalks applauded and cheered the

The Lesbian Avengers, who founded and led the Dyke March, focused this
year on the theme "the war abroad and the war at home." At the request
of the march organizers, a banner reading "Come out against war & racism-
-No Pride in occupation" from the Stonewall Warriors of the
International Action Center was prominent toward the front of the march.

Leslie Feinberg delivered the keynote speech at the concluding rally in
the Commons. Feinberg was introduced as a trade unionist, socialist and
a managing editor of Workers World newspaper.

The outdoor audience was rapt as Feinberg described the courageous role
of lesbians in confronting white supremacists in Boston in 1974.
Feinberg, one of the leading organizers of the 1974 March Against
Racism, called it "the year our Pride March came in December."

Feinberg called on those gathered to take part in the anti-war and anti-
occupation contingents in this year's Boston Pride March. She drew
applause when she argued that every domestic economic and social demand--
money for AIDS and other health-care needs, racist profiling, youth
rights, rape and battering of women, environmental struggles, and jobs,
education and housing--are all tied to fighting the war drive.

"The racist dehumanization of Iraqi and Afghan prisoners in Guantanamo
and Abu Ghraib also demonstrates how violently anti-trans, anti-gay and
anti-woman the Pentagon culture of conquest is. And some of those same
torturers are police and prison guards right here, like those whose
brutal repression sparked the Stonewall Rebellion. But from Stonewall to
Baghdad, Palestine to Haiti, repression generates resistance."

Rally-goers applauded the call to swell the ranks of the July 25 protest
at the Democratic National Convention in Boston this summer in order to
build a fight-back movement independent of both parties of big business.

But the biggest cheers followed Fein berg's call for a revolutionary
movement "to overturn the economic system that breeds war and racism and

Pointing to the skyscrapers that surround the Commons, Feinberg said:
"We built all of this collectively. It is irrational that a wealthy few
should claim to own it all. We need to abolish this economic system and
reorganize production to provide jobs and housing, health care and
education, recreation and vacation for all who do the work of the

The crowd roared its assent.

- END -

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