Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 24, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

Voters in the June 11-14 elections for the newly expanded European
Parliament showed their general dissatisfaction with unemployment,
social cuts and the Iraq war by punishing nearly every sitting

Though the Bush administration ran no candidates, you could argue that
it still managed to lose these elections. Elements in the European
ruling class who decided to follow Washington into its Iraq adventure
were among the biggest losers.

Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party had the worst finish of a ruling
British party since 1918. Labor got only about 23 percent of the vote,
finishing third behind the Conservatives and the Liberal Party. The
Labor Party did equally poorly in local administrative elections. The
only important Labor candidate bucking the trend was Ken Livingston, an
opponent of the Iraq war who was re-elected mayor of London.

Bush's second most important Euro pean ally regarding the Iraq
occupation is Italy's media magnate Premier Silvio Berlusconi. His Forza
Italia party fell nearly 5 percentage points short of their 2001
results, when they got 25.3 percent. Berlusconi's prediction they would
improve on that total fell flat.

The other major U.S. ally, rightist Jose Maria Aznar in Spain, had
already lost the March 14 national elections soundly. The Socialist
Party leader Luis Zapatero, who succeeded Aznar, quickly pulled Spain's
troops out of Iraq. His party now also beat Aznar's by 43 to 41 percent
in the European elections.

The ruling parties in Portugal and the Netherlands, two other major Bush
allies, also got trounced in the EU elections.


While anyone too closely identified with the Iraq debacle lost badly,
this wasn't the only issue of concern to the voters. First of all, many
voters didn't take this election seriously. Only 150 million voted; this
is out of the 350 million eligible. Parti cipation from the new EU
members in Eastern Europe was under 30 percent.

In Poland, the biggest of the new additions to the EU, only 21 percent
of eligible voters went to the polls.

In Germany, Chancellor Gerhardt Schroe der's ruling Social Democratic
Party got only 20 percent of the votes cast, its lowest showing since
1953. In France, Jacques Chirac's party got only 17 percent compared to
30 percent for the Socialist Party. These two imperialist leaders had
opposed U.S. tactics regarding Iraq, but high unemployment coupled with
across-the-board cutbacks in social programs have combined to make them
unpopular despite their "anti-war" stand last year.

Up until about 20 years ago, there were mass political parties whose
program was openly for socialism. Now the political parties strong
enough to form a majority government in parliament are all parties
openly representing the ruling class. It is in Europe much as it is in
the United States. The "center-right" government is one possible
majority--Chirac in France or Berlusconi in Italy for example. A "center-
left" government is an alternative majority--the Socialist Party
supported by the French Communist Party in France; the Olive Tree
coalition in Italy.

In France and Italy alike, the "center-left" coalition and the "center-
right" are both loyal servants of the ruling class. Both "center-left"
groupings in France and Italy, for example, carried out the imperialist
war against Yugoslavia in 1999. There was some vote in some countries
for parties to the left of the "center-left," like the Communist
Refoundation in Italy, which got 6.1 percent. But with few exceptions,
European elections are much like Repub licans vs. Democrats in another

Because of this, the European elections are quite limited in how they
express the workers' class consciousness. Instead, the elections
indicate more subtle changes. The clearest lesson of the June 11-14
European elections was a rejection of U.S. foreign policy, especially
the occupation of Iraq, and mass dissatisfaction over the economic
stagnation in most of Europe.

- END -

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