Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 1, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


Thousands of workers and their families marched for health care in New 
York June 19. The Service Employees union initiated the demonstration as 
part of day of actions across the U.S. called "Bridging the Gap: Health 
Care for All."

While many marchers were SEIU members, contingents also came from 
unions, including the Professional Staff Congress representing faculty 
and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY), and progressive 
neighborhood groups.

Posters for the march were posted throughout the Lower East Side and 
other working-class neighborhoods the week before.

The march started in Brooklyn at Cadman Plaza, trekked across the Brook 
lyn Bridge, and wound up with a rally in front of the Federal Building 
in lower Manhattan.

At the rally, rank-and-file workers spoke about what the lack of 
affordable health coverage meant to their lives and living standards, as 
well as the pain and suffering of the uninsured. One janitor from SEIU 
Local 32BJ, recently unionized, saw his salary go from $6.15 to $9.25 an 
hour, but still doesn't have medical benefits.

Another speaker had been limited to 19 hours a week when she worked for 
the Research Foundation of CUNY because an additional hour would have 
qualified her for medical benefits.

Even union members with medical insur ance often lack dental or 
prescription coverage.

"We have to fight to keep the health care we have in the face of rising 
costs," said Mike Fishman, president of Local 32BJ. The union represents 
70,000 building-service workers in the New York metropolitan area.

John Sweeney, president of the national AFL-CIO, said: "Health-care 
costs are a national crisis. Every other industrialized country in the 
world has put together a national health-care system. It's about time 
these workers rise and demand universal health care."

While the union, whose members are mostly immigrants, marched past City 
Hall, heavily-armed cops in flack jackets and holding assault rifles 
stood guard over the offices of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

--G. Dunkel

- END -

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