Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 8, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


The Bush gang has been so arrogant in wielding unilateral U.S. military 
power in Iraq that Bush's request for help from NATO might falsely look 
like a step toward peace. That would be a gross misunderstanding of 
NATO's role. NATO is no international organization of "peacekeepers." 
It's a military alliance led by the U.S. and the older colonial powers 
in Europe, aimed at the workers and oppressed nations.

The U.S. founded NATO in 1949 to keep socialist revolution away from 
Western Europe and to threaten the Soviet Union. It also guaranteed a 
leading role for U.S. foreign policy with regard to its European allies. 
The NATO structure had U.S. officers at the top, and the weaker 
imperialist powers in Western Europe subordinated their individual 
interests to the confrontation with the socialist camp.

As long as the USSR and the Warsaw Pact existed, NATO made no military 
attacks. It couldn't. But NATO plans formed the basis for the pro-
fascist coup of Greek colonels in 1967. NATO agents worked with the 
militarists and fascists in Italy to sow terror in the 1970s. NATO 
armies threatened to intervene against the Portuguese revolution in 1974-
1975 should the workers there attempt to seize power.

The collapse of the USSR in 1989-1991 left the U.S. with a problem 
regarding NATO. U.S. strategists wanted to take this anti-Soviet pact 
and turn it into a weapon for intervention in Eastern Europe, Africa and 
the Middle East. This would leave the U.S. in the driver's seat 
regarding military intervention, but would enlist the British, French, 
German and other imperialist rivals in the ground armies taking 

The first major area of intervention was the Balkans. With reliance on 
U.S. air power, NATO made its first military intervention in the post-
Soviet period against the people of Yugoslavia, bombing civilian targets 
mercilessly for 78 days in 1999 on NATO50th anniversary. It proved once 
more that NATO was a pact of predatory powers, aimed at oppressing and 
exploiting the vast majority of the world's people. At the end of that 
war, it was fitting and symbolic that the major powers carved up 
Serbia's Kosovo province, sharing the spoils just as the 19th-century 
colonial powers did when they carved up Africa.

The Bush gang's adventure in Iraq went a step beyond NATO. It was an 
attempt to plunder a country without sharing the spoils with U.S. 
rivals. Bush's failure in Iraq has forced the U.S. ruling class to look 
back toward NATO, whether Bush or Kerry is in the White House next year.


With NATO likely to continue as a major focus of U.S. foreign
policy, it would be a good time for the progressive movement here
to pay attention to the case against former Yugoslav President Slobodan 
Milosevic in The Hague. After three years in an old Nazi prison and a 
parade of 300 prosecution witnesses who proved nothing against him, 
Milosevic is opening his defense case in July. Even during the last two 
years of cross-examinations of prosecution witnesses, Milosevic managed 
to expose NATO's aggression. His defense will likely expose to the world 
NATO's own war crimes in the Balkans. 

- END -

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