Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 15, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Chuck Anderson
Los Angeles

Responding to incidents of police
terror and brutality, the International Act ion Center, along with labor 
leaders, local clergy, anti-war and immigrant rights acti vists, held a 
press conference/ public rally on July 1 in front of the LAPD Parker Com 
mand Center in solidarity with the African American and Latino 

On June 13th, Stanley Miller, a 36-year-old Black man, had been beaten 
in a life-threatening manner by the LAPD. News helicopters filmed the 

John Hatfield, a seven-year police veteran, was seen kicking Miller in 
the head after he had surrendered and was on his knees, being held down 
by numerous other officers. Hatfield landed 11 potentially fatal blows 
with a metal flashlight to Miller's body and possibly his head.

As many at the press conference stated, this was not an isolated 
incident of police brutality. Days earlier, an unarmed young man on foot 
was accosted by police in the community of Bell and shot to death. The 
officer's story was that the suspect kicked the gun out of his hand, 
picked it up and pointed it at him, so the cop killed him with a back-up 
gun. There were no witnesses.

Speakers at the press conference included Linda Hinton from Parents 
Against Lynching; Rev. Richard Byrd from KRST Unity Center for African 
Spirit uality; Mollie Bell, layperson at Faith United Methodist Church; 
and John Parker and Adrian Garcia representing the International Action 

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton, formerly New York's top cop 
under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, has brought a new wave of racist brutality 
against innocent victims to this city. People are reminded of the fatal 
choking of young Latino Anthony Baez and the killing of unarmed African 
immigrant Amadou Diallo, who was shot 41 times by New York undercover 

Bratton has recently made racist comments, calling a Black community 
leader a "nitwit" and referring to African Amer ican youth as "tribal 
thugs and terrorists."

The International Action Center has called on all progressive 
organizations to demand an end to police terror with an emergency 
demonstration on July 10 at l:00 p.m. The march and rally, starting at 
108th & Main at the Southeast Precincts, will demand justice for Stanley 

- END -

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