Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 22, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Stephanie Nichols

A survey done by the House Committee on Government Reform of juvenile
detention centers across the country found that at least 15,000 children
with psychiatric problems and mental disabilities were incarcerated last
year because mental health services were unavailable to them.

This shows that the government chooses to pump more money into juvenile
detention centers than into treatment services for youth with mental
disabilities. Nor is any care given to seeking out the source of their
problems. Instead, all the blame is put on the victim, the youth.
Children as young as seven are being incarcerated. And according to the
July 9 New York Times, "Seventy-one centers in 33 states said they were
holding mentally ill youngsters with no charges."

Not only are youth in this country being incarcerated for having mental
disabilities, many of them are being put on expensive, patented
medications of questionable benefit which also can have potentially
deadly side effects.

The Bush administration plans to unveil a new policy in July as a part
of the New Freedom Initiative plan, based on recommendations issued by
the New Freedom Commission. The commission states, "Each year, young
children are expelled from preschools and childcare facilities for
severely disruptive behaviors and emotional disorders." According to the
commission, schools are in a "key position" to screen their students, as
well as any adults who work with them.

The plan is using the Texas Medication Algorithm Project as a model for
treatment. When Allen Jones, an investigator at the Pennsylvania Office
of the Inspector General, revealed that the pharmaceutical company
Janssen had bribed key state officials who held influence over the
medication plan in his state, he was removed from his job.

The Texas Medication Algorithm Project, which started in 1995, promotes
the use of newer, more expensive drugs for the treatment of patients and
helped make drug companies billions of dollars. And some of the billions
of dollars they make go straight into the presidential campaigns of both
George W. Bush and John Kerry.

Instead of nurturing children and providing services where youth can
grow and develop, the capitalist government, which needs oppression to
survive, uses the youth to generate profits by keeping them either
locked up or drugged up.

By putting money into creating better schools and paying teachers better
wages so they could offer individualized attention and smaller classes,
and providing free health care to all, or by providing working parents
with better wages and fewer working hours so that they could focus on
their children's needs, the rich class which owns the corporations that
run this government could not squeeze as much profit from the working
class and oppressed, and the government could not exert as much control.

- END -

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