Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 29, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

The NAACP overwhelmingly passed an emergency resolution on July 15 at 
its national convention in Philadelphia urging its local chapters to 
support efforts for a new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and for 
the overturning of his first-degree murder conviction and death 

This is a significant political development in the case of Abu-Jamal, 
the world's best-known political prisoner on death row. He is a former 
Black Panther, a MOVE supporter and an outspoken opponent of racist 
oppression and imperialist war. The African American revolutionary, 
known worldwide as the "voice of the voiceless," was railroaded to 
Pennsylvania's death row in 1982 for the killing of Philadelphia police 
officer Daniel Faulkner.

Abu-Jamal suffered through a sham of a trial in 1981, where evidence 
proving his innocence was suppressed by a racist judge and prosecutor. 
It has been legally documented by a white stenographer that Judge Albert 
Sabo, who presided over the trial, made racial slurs against Abu-Jamal.

The NAACP resolution, entitled "Reaffirming Oppo si tion to the Death 
Penalty," also called for a moratorium on executions because the use of 
the death penalty disproportionately targets people of color and poor 
people. This resolution was introduced by the Ossining, N.Y., NAACP 
chapter and supported by International Concerned Family and Friends of 
Mumia Abu-Jamal. It comes on the heels of a recent U.S. Third Circuit 
Court ruling that lifted the stay of proceedings on a 2001 federal 
district ruling which had overturned Mumia's death sentence, but not his 
murder conviction. This recent ruling asks for a briefing to hear 
arguments challenging the 2001 ruling.

The passing of this resolution by the oldest mainstream U.S. civil 
rights organization is a blow to the U.S. government's efforts to 
legally lynch this political prisoner. It is up to the progressive 
movement to take full advantage of this resolution to help build broader 
support that is needed for Mumia Abu-Jamal's struggle to win his long 
overdue freedom.

To read the NAACP resolution, visit iacenter.org or millions4mumia.org. 

- END -

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