Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 29, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


There's attitude. Then there is action. The two aren't always
connected. That's one lesson from the United Nations General Assembly's
150-6 vote to demand Israel remove its wall from the West Bank. The UN
vote seconds an earlier World Court decision calling the wall "in breach
of international law" and a "de facto annexation." The 20-foot-high
concrete and steel blocks, barbed wire and trenches separate Pales
tinians from their jobs, their families, their hospitals and even their
ancestors' graves.

But the General Assembly vote expresses only an attitude--a non-binding
mandate. And it also shows again how the very structure of the United
Nations guarantees U.S. imperialism's ability to dictate its terms to
the world. Because for the UN to take action, a Security Council
decision is needed--and there the U.S. veto has always prevented any
sanctions against the Israeli state. Despite the almost universal hatred
of this "Apart heid Wall," the U.S. representative was one of the six to
vote against the resolution condemning it, along with Israel, Australia,
the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. Japan and all the West
European imperialist powers voted for it.

Once more the Bush administration has demonstrated its utter hostility
to the struggle for Palestinian self-determination and its contempt for
the Arab people who--with good reason--denounce the Israeli state as a
criminal intruder on a never-ending land grab. The U.S. ruling class is
in agreement on this policy, as John Kerry's support for the Israeli
wall demonstrates.

The Free Palestine Alliance, a member organization of the ANSWER
steering committee, has announced a series of three sets of two-day
actions to protest the wall. The group plans to set up tents in public
spaces and hold hunger strikes on July 24-25, on the eve of the Demo cra
tic National Convention; on Aug. 28-29, leading up to the Republican National
Convention; and on Jan. 19-20, 2005, leading up to the presidential

To turn attitude to action, join these protests.

- END -

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