Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 12, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


The Cuban 5 are political prisoners unjustly incarcerated in the U.S.
for the "crime" of fighting the terrorist plots by the White House-
supported right-wing in Miami aiming to overthrow the Cuban Revolution.
The following message was written on the occasion of the 51st
anniversary of the attack of the Moncada barracks lead by Fidel Castro
and other revolutionaries.

Dear brothers and sisters:

This July 26th is a very special day:

Special because today more than ever before, the Bush Administration is
determined to destroy the Cuban Revolution, our people and even our

Special because we count on the solidarity of extraordinary
and brave human beings like yourselves in this battle.

Special because we represent the hope of a new and more just world for

Special because the five of us share the honor of being by your side in
this struggle.

And special because we all are determined to fight and win, and, no
matter what, we shall overcome! United we are invincible!!

Long live July 26th!

Long live the friendship between the U.S. and Cuban people!

Thanks so much for your solidarity and support!

Onward to victory!

René González
Antonio Guerrero
Fernándo González
Gerardo Hernández
Ramón Labañino Salazar

"The Cuban Five"

- END -

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