Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 19, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Adrian Garcia

A devastating fire that ripped through a popular marketplace in 
Paraguay's capital, Asuncion, on Aug. 1 claimed the lives of over 460 
people and injured scores more.

The high number of casualties was not a direct result of the fire, but 
has been attributed to a decision made by the owners of the Ycua 
Bolanos supermarket during the fire's initial phase. Shoppers who 
managed to escape the inferno accused owner Juan Pio Paiva of ordering 
his security guards to lock the doors to the establishment so as to 
prevent the patrons from leaving the store without paying for their 
items and to prevent any possible looting.

"There is no doubt that somebody closed the doors to the supermarket ... 
after the initiation of the fire," said Nicolas Nunez, an Argentine 
police investigator sent to assist in the arduous task of identifying 
corpses that had been burned beyond recognition.

It is believed that a gas leak provoked an explosion in the rear section 
of the super market, setting the establishment ablaze. This occurred 
during the busiest shopping time of the week, 11:30 a.m. Sun day 
morning, when the store was teeming with hundreds of shoppers.

Many families lost three to four family members in the tragic fire, 
leaving some children without parents.

The Paraguayan authorities have pledged to bring those responsible for 
the unnecessary deaths to justice. Super mar ket owner Juan Pio Paiva 
and his son Daniel Paiva have been arrested and are being held on $10 
million bail.

The security guards who followed the orders to close the doors were also 
arres ted, as was the coordinator of the marketplace's security 
operations, Eder Sanchez Martinetti. And the supermarket administrator, 
Humberto Fernando Casaccia Ro magni, finds himself under house arrest.

Under Paraguayan law the accused face from five to 15 years in prison if 
found guilty of negligence, and up to 25 years if it is ruled that their 
actions were executed with malice.

In capitalist countries, often the bosses responsible for such crimes 
against the workers go unpunished. If there are any resulting 
convictions in this case, it will be because the capitalist bosses in 
Paraguay and throughout the world hope to quell the outrage of the 
Paraguayan people.

They especially want to mask the true culprit in this tragedy: the 
capitalist system itself.

The decision to close the supermarket's doors, whereby hundreds of 
innocent victims needlessly perished, is based on the capitalist notion 
of placing profits before lives. This distrust and oppression of workers 
is a systemic function of capitalism that has brought death and 
destruction to countless workers throughout the years.

It is not only in oppressed countries like Paraguay that such tragedies 
happen. The 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in New York City 
killed 146 women garment workers because the sweatshop owners had 
locked the exit doors. This incident sparked a fury that ignited the 
movement for women workers' rights.

The Imperial Food Products fire in Hamlet, N.C., on Sept. 3, 1991, cost 
25 lives and injured 56 people. Most were the women workers in the 
chicken processing plant, who were unable to escape because management 
had locked exit doors, supposedly to prevent theft of chicken parts.

In the modern-day sweatshops and factories where the most oppressed and 
low-paid workers fight to make ends meet, such dangerous steps as 
locking exit doors are par for the course. They are part of the intense 
exploitation of these workers that are endemic to the capitalist system. 

- END -

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