Hey Justin,

Do you want to be able to talk about the logical components of the
headers, rather than just as strings? If so, I'd love to chat.

I wrote a library [1] yonks ago (about 1998) for parsing HTTP headers and
exposing them as objects; e.g., an ETag would have a string "value"
property and a boolean "weak" property. It's currently used in the
cacheability engine, and is full of bugs.

More recently, I've been rewriting it to expose headers as data structures
(e.g., dictionaries, lists, strings, ints, as appropriate). This is
somewhat more useable, but finding the right mapping for some headers
is... challenging. I can send a copy if you'd like to see what it looks

I've also taken a couple of stabs at doing this in RDF, but never got it
to completeness (mostly because limitations in CWM would make it less than
useful; e.g., I wanted to do a cwm_uri module for a long time, to be able
to parse URIs into lists). E.g., see below (this is quite old and
incomplete, but hopefully you get the idea).

1. http://www.mnot.net/python/httpheadertypes.py
2. http://www.mnot.net/cacheability/

<> http_request:uri [ # a rdf:Bag ;
"http://www.example.com/pages/dyn/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
" ;
                      :scheme "http" ;
                      :host "www.example.com" ;
                      :port "80" ;
                      :path [ # a rdf:Seq ;
                               :value "/pages/dyn/1.html" ;
                               rdf:_1 "pages" ;
                               rdf:_2 "dyn" ;
                               rdf:_3 "1.html" ;
                             ] ;
                      :query [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                                :value "username=bob&session=132323" ;
                                :username "bob" ;
                                :session "132323" ;
                              ] ;
                    ] .
<> http_request:method "GET" .
<> http_request:pragma [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                         :no-cache "null" ;
                       ] .
<> http_request:user_agent "Mozilla/1.0 (blah, blah)" .
<> http_request:cookie [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                         :sessionID "2323113132" ;
                         :name "bob" ;
                       ] .
<> http_request:authorization [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                                :scheme "basic" ;
                                :userid "bob" ;
                                :password "bobspassword" ;
                              ] .
<> http_response:status "200" .
<> http_response:cache_control [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                                 :max-age "600" ;
                                 :no-transform "1" ;
                               ] .
<> http_response:set_cookie [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                              :sessionID [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                                           :value "132134" ;
                                           :expires "1002828066" ;
                                           :path "/" ;
                                           :domain "example.com" ;
                                           :secure "0" ;
                                         ] ;
                              :name [ # a rdf:Bag ;
                                      :value "bob" ;
                                    ] ;
                            ] .

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin Chapweske" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "S. Mike Dierken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: RDF Description of HTTP headers/meta-data

> Thanks for the link, but I'm looking for something subtly different.
> XMTP is a format for serializing MIME into XML.
> I'm looking for an RDF syntax that makes statements about the metadata
> of a URI, using HTTP headers as the source data.
> S. Mike Dierken wrote:
> > A most excellent approach is documented here:
> > http://www.openhealth.org/xmtp/
> >
> --
> Justin Chapweske, Onion Networks
> http://onionnetworks.com/

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