[moved to www-talk from www-qa]

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> However, the correct answer in this situation is not rubberstamping. The
> correct answer, in this context, would be to let X publish its standard
> outside of the W3C venue. W3C should not be involved if there is only
> one company behind the technology.

The implication was that X and Z agree on most of the other aspects of the
spec, and are both going to be implementing it. I should have been
clearer. (And this is definitely not hypothetical -- I've been involved in
situations much like this in a W3C context many times.)

Can you give an example of how doing it X's way is going to be Z out of business? You mentioned this, but I fail to see how a construct in a language is going to harm to Z?

Orion Adrian

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