* gerard wrote:
>I'd like so suggest that an operator to reverse the matching order of  
>selectors could be a very useful thing.

Gerard, a better place for such suggestions would be the www-style
mailing list, I would suggest you post your message there. However,
this particular functionality, even though slightly more flexible,
has been proposed long ago for css3-selectors, see


for the :subject pseudo-class, you would use it like

><div class="ColorBackground>
>       <img class="AlphaImage">
>If one wanted to select any <div> that contained an image with class  
>"AlphaImage", there is no way to do so.

div:subject img.AlphaImage. However, the feature was dropped from the
draft due to implementation concerns which I assume equally apply to
your proposal. I would also suggest to search the list archives as
there are a number of proposals with similar functionality.


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