DOS command UNIX command Command Description cd cd or chdir Change directory chkdsk du Check disk space utilization copy cp Copy files del rm Delete files deltree rm -r Remove subdirectory dir /b ls Bare directory listing dir /s ls -lR Directory with subdirectories help man Read a prepared Help manual md mkdir Make subdirectory move or ren mv Move or Rename files rm rmdir Remove empty subdirectory type cat Type text files to screen |more |pg "Pipe More" Page break listings DOS Utils UNIX Utils Command Description arj unarj ARJ archiver/decompressor edit joe or pico BASIC text editor lharc or lha lharc LZH/LHA archiver/compression pkzip zip Create .zip compressed archives pkunzip unzip Unarchive and decompress .zip files

----- Original Message ----- From: "Theo Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 5:09 PM
Subject: Getting a page through an authenticated proxy

OK, I have done my best to work out how to do this but can't, sorry to bother you guys with a very simple question.

I want to connect to a proxy with my username and password and
retrieve a page from the world wide web.

E.g. Login to proxyserver:

What command should I use to do this once I have telnetted to the proxy?

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