Hi Sylvian,

There are... rumblings. It would probably be best to ask this on the HTTP mailing list;

On 2006/05/09, at 7:33 AM, Sylvain Hellegouarch wrote:

Hello everyone,

The W3 protocols page states:

"""Now that both HTTP extensions and HTTP/1.1 are stable specifications, W3C has closed the HTTP Activity. The Activity has achieved its goals of creating a successful standard that addresses the weaknesses of earlier
HTTP versions."""

My question is then simple? Is there any plan to update HTTP after almost
6 years its last specification has been issued?

As naive as it may sound, the last few years have shown that HTTP was not alsways either understood or clear enough on some topics. To name a few:

* The lack of clear separation between an HTTP status code and the header
sent along the response
* The endless issue about the idempotency or not of HTTP methods
* The real usability of pipelinig (today's networks are not onmes of 10
years ago)
* The usability of 100-Continue
* Is the Accept header efficient

I believe there are more issues of course.

Now some might say these are minor problems and do not require a new WG
process and this is certainly true (I'm a simple hacker with little
knowledge of how the W3 internally works). However I felt intrigued to
know if there were even "corridor discussions" on that matter :)

Intrigued because HTTP has been becoming more and more heavily used
(internet connections are getting cheaper, globalization of companies with offices all around the World, the recent success of REST and technologies such as Ajax) and it sounds like a good time to me clarify blurry topics.

Anyway, just to know if there was any life around HTTP these days.

- Sylvain

Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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