Hi Hannes, thanks for your message. 

The application would still continue to do what it does, in 
sending only the content appropriate to the user and their context 
Within the application. That doesn't change.

What (MOB)HTML says is 'hey application server, you don't need to 
know how the data is displayed, just give me the content, give me a
link to a template and I'll put them together at the client side.
        *the application server doesn't have to do as much as it did before
        as the rendering part of the web page production pipeline is moved 
        to the client and this brings efficiencies. 
        * As the template is not going to change, this can be served by a 
        just a simple web server 
        * and now that the application server and how the page looks are
        The two can changed almost independently of each other.

Agreed about Google, that's why I'm writing a server side rendering piece 
which brings the rendering back to the app server for browsers that don't
This new way of doing things and present regular HTML to them. In time, with

adoption of MOBHTML, I'd like to think that search engines would be able to 
Do the rendering at their end. I'd certainly be happy to write a plug-in for

Thanks for the constructive comments, I was beginning to think this forum
was dead, or 
worse full of cynics.

Sunil Vanmullem

-----Original Message-----
Hannes Ledl / LEDL & PARTNER
Sent: 22 January 2007 22:38
To: www-talk@w3.org
Subject: RE: (MOB)HTML - Merge on browser HTML (was SDPML)

Hi sunil 

For my understanding -> you / your application serves pages 
an you let the client decide what to do -> what to show. 

But why you leave the decision to the end of the line (the client / the
browser) what about the way keep this decision at lowest level.

The server -> an keep the content submitted with a lowest as possible logic.
Let the server handle the content for the appropriate browser and only serve
content really needed.  

How do you think about SEO? I think, the 'googles' will not 
handle your content as you want to have.

Regards from Austria -> Velden 
Hannes Ledl



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