Folksonomy Benchmark Dataset is available from BibSonomy


The Knowledge and Data Engineering Group of the University of
Kassel/Germany is running the social bookmarking and publication sharing
system BibSonomy <>. We offer a benchmark
dataset for academic purposes. It contains 1,652 users, 54,530 tags, and
262,580 resources (bookmarks and bibtex entries).

The dataset is freely available for research purposes. Details about how
to obtain the data can be found at
<>. Once you have signed the
licence agreement, we will send you a pointer to the data, and will
include you in the bibsonomy-research mailing list. Publications around
BibSonomy can be found at <>.

And eventually you will also find BibSonomy useful for your daily work
as researcher?

Best regards,
Miranda Grahl

Miranda Grahl            Tel.: +49-(0)561-804-6266
University of Kassel     Fax.: +49-(0)561-804-6259
Wilhelmshoeher Allee 73  mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
34121 Kassel/Germany     www:

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