Hi Danny,

On 16/10/2008, at 9:39 PM, Danny Ayers wrote:

re. http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nottingham-site-meta-00.txt

Regarding the general approach I'm not convinced that "pre-empting an
authority's URI namespace" is a "necessary evil". I'm sure you are
aware of the primary argument against using well-known names in this
way [1].

Yep, that's referenced in the draft :) I'd note that the W3C has included at least one well-known location in a Recommendation, for lack of any better mechanism.

A possible alternative would be to include a link in the root
namespace document pointing to the site-meta document.

i.e. client GETs:

depending on conneg, the doc returned would contain something like:

<link rel="site-meta" href="http://example.com/site-meta"; />


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example.com/";>
  <x:siteMeta rdf:resource=""http://example.com/site-meta"; />

- thus the URI of the metadata document could be decided by the
publisher. While this approach does add a step of indirection, I
believe it would offer greater flexibility in also allowing sub-path
hierarchies of the site to refer to their own, more local, metadata.

Two problems;

1) If the site has a normal representation there (i.e., a home page), it could be big, which would be an impediment to clients getting the metadata quickly (or at all, in the case of resource-constrained use cases). Remember, conneg can't be used to get something fundamentally different; it needs to be a representation of the *same* resource.

2) The step of indirection is a deal-killer for some users.

Personally, I'm very tempted by using one or more response *headers* on the root resource, so you can HEAD for them, but this still requires more requests than the embedded-in-site-meta approach, and some people balk at that. Given that the whole idea here is to make this a slam-dunk solution for the problem (so as to avoid creating any *other* new well-known locations), it has to have as few points of friction as possible.

Regarding the document format, it seems reasonable enough, though I
can't help thinking it might be advantageous to define it as an
extension to the Sitemap Protocol [2], along the lines of the
Semantic Web Crawling extension [3].

I'm not a big fan of sitemaps; it's not very flexible, and can only define metadata for one URI at a time. Frankly, if I were to implicitly promote an existing format, it'd be Atom (I was tempted to do this, but came down on the side of creating something simpler; Dave Orchard always said that the most successful XML vocabularies had 4 or less elements...) or something like URISpace (but a little less tortured).

What' I'm *really* wondering at this point is if XML itself is too complex -- i.e., should this be a line-oriented format? One pre-draft reviewer already suggested as much.



[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/issues.html#siteData-36
[2] https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/docs/en/protocol.html
[3] http://sw.deri.org/2007/07/sitemapextension/


Mark Nottingham     http://www.mnot.net/

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