Let's work out this redirection case, since nothing else matters if we can't agree on this. I'll get back to your other questions later.

The problem with your treatment of redirects is that the protocol can give the wrong answer.

The situation is that we do a GET/HEAD of a URI U, and receive a 301/302/307 specifying Location: V. Your protocol is supposed to get a description resource for the resource "identified" (RFC 3986) by U, yet you will throw away a DR in the response to GET/HEAD U (one that is explicitly said to be a DR of U) and look for one in the response to GET/HEAD V instead. What makes you think that V names the same resource as U? If it doesn't, V's DR has no bearing on the resource named by U. Even if you assume they do name the same resource (which you can't in the 307 case), why would you have any reason to prefer the V DR to the U DR? The ability to serve a resource's representations does not necessarily make you better qualified than anyone else to describe it.

You may want to say: Well, the U and V resources have the same representations (GET behavior), so doesn't that mean they're the same resource? I don't think it follows. In particular there are other methods to consider, such as POST. As far as I know all GETs can be the same and the resources can still be different.

The only theory I know of for deciding which resource is supposed to be named by a URI is that articulated in the W3C web architecture recommendation [1]. This says that it is up to a party known as the URI's "owner" to bind the URI to some resource. So if you want to learn about a named resource, it is up to the URI owner to determine what resource it is you want to learn about. Why should you talk to anyone else, if the owner is willing to speak (via Link:)?

I think it is practical and reasonable that *if* U's owner provides no DR, then we can risk taking a 301 redirect (and maybe 302) to mean that V names the same resource, so that V's DR, if any, describes that resource. But an explicit Link: on a redirect has to mean that the URI owner, who is an "authority", is trying to say something important to you about the resource, such as the ways in which it differs from the redirect target.

Even if U and V are assumed to name the same resource, or resources that cannot be distinguished, it is very easy to come up with cases where either DR is vastly preferable to the other; differences in credibility due to deception, reliability, competence, and timeliness can go either way. If you ask a librarian, they will say that the original publisher (V) is rarely to be trusted to provide good metadata, and one should consult a competent metadata service to obtain such (U). (This is a real use case.)

There is a practical reason to prefer the U DR: it can be obtained in one roundtrip, while getting the V DR takes two.

I also wonder how the redirect case is any different from that of a proxy server that adds a Link: header. If you could detect that the proxy server added it, and not the origin (you can't), would you throw away the proxy server specified DR, even when the origin provided none?


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/#uri-assignment

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