Yes, it can, but many/most proxies do not do this in practice, because of pipelining bugs in servers (if they get responses out of order, it's a bad security problem) and because you don't know how long the first response will take before the second will start coming back.

It's more common IME for proxies to reuse idle connections left over from other clients.

Hope this helps,

P.S., Questions like this are appropriate for the HTTPbis list;

On 19/03/2009, at 8:45 AM, Magnus Henoch wrote:


I'm writing an HTTP proxy.  Thus I'm thinking about an interesting
protocol question: if two clients each send a request through the same
proxy to the same origin server, is the proxy allowed to open a single
connection to the origin server, and forward the two requests by
pipelining? I imagine that a server might consider the two requests to
come from the same client, as they arrived by the same connection.

As far as I can tell from the HTTP 1.1 spec, a server may not make such an assumption. Is that correct? Are there examples of servers that do
that anyway?

Magnus Henoch,
Erlang Training and Consulting

Mark Nottingham

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