This would be my first foray into mailing lists, so if I'm "doing it
wrong", allow me to apologize.

With all of the attention being given to responsive design approaches, I
could not help but wonder what will happen in as little as a few years.
Smartphones will likely have resolutions that will either rival or
supersede present-day laptop resolutions, so our approach of detecting
screen resolution and/or pixel density will be useless as a means to detect
form factor. What we need in a media query is the ability to detect a true
form factor, a "device-type" if you will, something along the lines of the
"handheld" query of HTML4 lore.

We could potentially make an effort to revive the "handheld" query, along
with a new "tablet" query as well, but I'm afraid that relying on browser
implementation alone is risky. If there's a way to engage browsers in a way
that gives them a disadvantage for _not_ implementing it, that may
be preferable.

I would love more discussion on this topic, and if I'm completely out of
the loop on something that makes this a non-issue, I'd love to be
enlightened. :)

Brian Irish

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