On 09/28/2014 01:31 PM, Lee Goddard wrote:
> On 28/09/2014 11:26, softwatt wrote:
>> On 09/28/2014 01:20 PM, Lee Goddard wrote:
>>> On 28/09/2014 10:48, softwatt wrote:
>>>> Iframes are extremely limited  in comparison to this. Only a "box" can
>>>> be updated without any interaction whatsoever with the rest of the
>>>> document, appending is non existent, and long-polling is not
>>>> practical.
>>> A native way to transclude markup to a node in the DOM, seems very much
>>> in the spirit of the times. I can't say the same for the way you
>>> specified attributes — seems to repeat the bungle seen in HTTP headers —
>>> and I'm not sure about the need for any other than a URI, but I watch
>>> with interest to see how this progresses.
>> Http headers are indeeed a mess. (Though I think one needs atleast
>> URI+Cookies).
>> But Could you explain how this "seems to repeat the bungle seen in HTTP
>> headers"? Don't you think that the current AJAX is the actual bungle and
>> that this is a step towards simplicity?
> Sorry — the bungle would be the way the attributes were specified as
> semi-colon-delimited strings, rather than true attributes.

Oh. Sorry for misinterpreting that. I don't really mind making them

A general question: Do suggestions posted on a humble mailing list ever
make it anywhere nowadays? If not, what additional steps would one need
to take in order to put an idea into practice?

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