Third attempt at sending.

Eric Kow <>
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
Sat Feb 16 09:58:45 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Consolidate build targets which exist purely for the sake of Cabal.

Sat Feb 16 10:00:20 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Modernise haskell98 imports in wxcore.

Sat Feb 16 10:48:47 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Change output dir to 'dist' to mimick cabal.

Sat Feb 16 11:38:37 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Add some --bindir, --datadir, --libexecdir to configure script.
  For Cabal.  The last two are ignored.

Sat Feb 16 11:38:44 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Prefer /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config to the one on the path.
  This makes it easier to install wxhaskell via cabal-install.
  Just set up a symbolic link to point to point to your wxWidgets,
  no need for the --wx-config flag.

Sat Feb 16 12:01:13 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Modernise haskell98 imports in wxdirect.

Sat Feb 16 12:47:46 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Split doc building into wxcore and wx version.

Sat Feb 16 12:48:32 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Improve description and synopsis of cabal files.

Sat Feb 16 12:48:53 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Re-add time package dependency (needed by wxdirect).

Sat Feb 16 12:51:12 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Add Hs-Source-Dirs for wxcore.cabal.
  In case we ever switch to the Simple build type.

Sat Feb 16 12:54:45 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Move cabal stuff to end of makefile.
  so that all variables are defined.

Sat Feb 16 13:08:19 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Mimick cabal in placement of haddocks.

Sat Feb 16 13:08:54 GMT 2008  Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  * Bump to 0.10.2.

New patches:

[Consolidate build targets which exist purely for the sake of Cabal.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216095845] {
hunk ./makefile 276
 # Install (unfortunately with extra clauses for the mac)
-       $(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)/$(prefix) \
-                        bindir=$(destdir)/$(bindir) \
-                        libdir=$(destdir)/$(libdir) \
-                        datadir=$(destdir)/$(datadir) \
-                        libexecdir=$(destdir)/$(libexecdir)
 register:  wxcore-register
 install:       wxcore-install-files wxcore-register
hunk ./makefile 308
 #.PHONY: wxc-dist wxd-dist wxcore-dist wx-dist
 #.PHONY: wxc-bindist wxcore-bindist wx-bindist
 WXHASKELLVER    =wxhaskell-$(VERSION)
+WXCOREVER      =wxcore-$(VERSION)
hunk ./makefile 312
 DIST-DOC       =$(DIST-OUTDIR)/wxhaskell-doc-$(VERSION).zip
 DIST-SRC       =$(DIST-OUTDIR)/wxhaskell-src-$(VERSION).zip
hunk ./makefile 317
 DIST-HACKAGE   =$(DIST-OUTDIR)/wxcore-$(VERSION).tar.gz
 DIST-BIN       =$(DIST-OUTDIR)/wxhaskell-bin-$(REL-VERSION).zip
-DISTS          =$(DIST-DOC) $(DIST-SRC) $(DIST-BIN)
hunk ./makefile 321
hunk ./makefile 335
 before-dist: wxcore-unregister wxcore-uninstall-files wxcore
-# full distribution
-dist: srcdist
+# full distribution
 fulldist: dist-dirs all srcdist bindist docdist
hunk ./makefile 350
        @$(call cp-srcdist, $(SAMPLE-SOURCES))
        @echo zipping: $(DIST-SRC)
        @$(CD) $(SRCDIST-OUTDIR) && $(call 
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXCORE))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXC))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXD))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXHASKELL-SOURCES))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(SAMPLE-SOURCES))
-       @echo tarring: $(DIST-HACKAGE)
-       @$(CD) $(SRCDIST-OUTDIR) && $(call 
-       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(SRCDIST-OUTDIR))
-       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call safe-remove-file,$(DIST-SRC))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(SRCDIST-OUTDIR))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call safe-remove-file,$(DIST-SRC))
 # generic binary distribution as a zip
 bindist: bindist-clean dist-dirs wxc-bindist wxcore-bindist wx-bindist docdist
        @$(call cp-bindist,config,$(BINDIST-BINDIR),config/wxcore.pkg 
hunk ./makefile 415
        @mv -f $(OUTDIR)/$(WXHASKELLINS).dmg $(WXHASKELLDMG)
        echo "created: $(WXHASKELLDMG)"
+# Cabal / Hackage stuff
+# for hackage
+dist: hackagedist
+hackagedist: hackagedist-clean dist-dirs
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXC))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXD))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXCORE))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXHASKELL-SOURCES))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(SAMPLE-SOURCES))
+       @echo tarring: $(DIST-HACKAGE)
+       @$(CD) $(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR) && $(call 
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call safe-remove-file,$(DIST-HACKAGE))
+       $(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)/$(prefix) \
+                        bindir=$(destdir)/$(bindir) \
+                        libdir=$(destdir)/$(libdir) \
+                        datadir=$(destdir)/$(datadir) \
+                        libexecdir=$(destdir)/$(libexecdir)
+# this is the same as the doc target below (no 's')
+docs: doc-dirs $(DOCFILE)
 # wxdirect: generates haskell marshall modules
hunk ./makefile 811
 HDOCFLAGS   = --odir $(DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(DOCFILE) 
--prologue=config/prologue.txt --html $(HDOCBASES)
 doc: doc-dirs $(DOCFILE)
[Modernise haskell98 imports in wxcore.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216100020] {
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 19
     if flag(splitBase)
         build-depends: base >= 3, parsec, array, directory, old-time
-        build-depends: base <  3, haskell98, parsec
+        build-depends: base <  3, parsec
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Db.hs 178
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Types
-import IO( catch, ioError, isUserError, ioeGetErrorString)
-import List( isPrefixOf )
-import Char( isDigit )
+import System.IO.Error( catch, ioError, isUserError, ioeGetErrorString)
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf )
+import Data.Char( isDigit )
 import Foreign
 import Foreign.Ptr
 import Foreign.C.String
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Dialogs.hs 37
     , fileDialog
     ) where
-import List( intersperse )
+import Data.List( intersperse )
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcDefs
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Dialogs.hs 299
        r <- messageDialogShowModal m
        messageDialogDelete m
        return r
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Events.hs 234
         , unsafeWindowGetHandlerState
         ) where
-import List( intersperse, findIndex )
+import Data.List( intersperse, findIndex )
 import System.Environment( getProgName, getArgs )
 import Foreign.StablePtr
 import Foreign.Ptr
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Events.hs 2775
 foreign import ccall "wrapper" wrapEventHandler :: (Ptr fun -> Ptr st -> Ptr 
(TEvent ()) -> IO ()) -> IO (FunPtr (Ptr fun -> Ptr st -> Ptr (TEvent ()) -> IO 
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Image.hs 54
     , pixelBufferGetSize
     ) where
-import Char( toLower )
+import Data.Char( toLower )
 import Data.Array
 import Foreign.Marshal.Array
 import Foreign.C.String
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Image.hs 343
   = do h  <- imageGetHeight image
        w  <- imageGetWidth image
        return (Size w h)
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Layout.hs 170
                              , valignTop, valignCentre, valignCenter, 
                              ) where
-import List( transpose )
+import Data.List( transpose )
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcDefs
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Types.hs 80
             ) where
-import List( (\\) )
+import Data.List( (\\) )
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcDefs
 import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses( wxcSystemSettingsGetColour )
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Types.hs 91
 import Data.Bits
 import Data.IORef
 import qualified Control.Exception as CE
-import qualified Monad as M
+import qualified Control.Monad as M
 infixl 5 .+.
hunk ./wxcore/src/Graphics/UI/WXCore/Types.hs 501
 colorSystem systemColor
   = unsafePerformIO $ 
     wxcSystemSettingsGetColour (fromEnum systemColor)
[Change output dir to 'dist' to mimick cabal.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216104847] hunk ./makefile 263
 .PHONY: help doc webdoc clean realclean
 # global variables
-OUTDIR = out
+OUTDIR = dist
 # clean
 clean: wxc-clean wxd-clean wxcore-clean wx-clean 
[Add some --bindir, --datadir, --libexecdir to configure script.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216113837
 For Cabal.  The last two are ignored.
] {
hunk ./configure 346
+      -bindir=*|--bindir=*)
+         bindir="$arg"
+         bindir_doc="$arg";;
hunk ./configure 352
+      -datadir=*|--datadir=*) ;;       # just for cabal
+      -libexecdir=*|--libexecdir=*) ;; # just for cabal
hunk ./configure 782
+if ! test "$bindir"; then
+  bindir=$execprefix/bin
 #echo " makefile configuration"
 echo " config/"
 cat > config/ << EOF
hunk ./configure 812
 # Installation
[Prefer /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config to the one on the path.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216113844
 This makes it easier to install wxhaskell via cabal-install.
 Just set up a symbolic link to point to point to your wxWidgets,
 no need for the --wx-config flag.
] hunk ./configure 89
 # macosx: wx-config might be not in the path
-if findprogram "$wxconfig"; then :; else
-  if test -x "/usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config"; then
-    wxconfig="/usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config"
-  else
+if test -x "/usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config"; then
+  wxconfig="/usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/wx-config"
+  if findprogram "$wxconfig"; then :; else
     if test -x "/usr/local/bin/wx-config"; then
[Modernise haskell98 imports in wxdirect.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216120113] {
hunk ./wxdirect/src/Classes.hs 26
               ) where
 import System( getEnv )
-import Char( isUpper )
-import List( sort, sortBy )
+import Data.Char( isUpper )
+import Data.List( sort, sortBy )
 import qualified Set
 import qualified Map
 import HaskellNames( haskellTypeName, isBuiltin )
hunk ./wxdirect/src/Classes.hs 441
       ; whiteSpace
       ; return x
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileClassInfo.hs 15
 module CompileClassInfo( compileClassInfo ) where
-import Char( toLower )
-import List( sortBy, sort )
+import Data.Char( toLower )
+import Data.List( sortBy, sort )
 import Types
 import HaskellNames
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileClassInfo.hs 151
     classTypeName     = haskellTypeName className
     downcastName      = haskellDeclName ("downcast" ++ classTypeName)
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileClasses.hs 21
 import qualified MultiSet
 import Data.Time( getCurrentTime )
-import Char( toUpper, isUpper, toLower ) --toLower, toUpper, isSpace, isLower, 
isUpper )
-import List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse, zipWith4 )
+import Data.Char( toUpper, isUpper, toLower ) --toLower, toUpper, isSpace, 
isLower, isUpper )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse, zipWith4 )
 import Types
 import HaskellNames
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileClasses.hs 646
 typeVar i = " " ++ typeVars !! i
 typeVars  = "()" : [[toEnum (fromEnum 'a' + x)] | x <- [0..]]
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileDefs.hs 15
 module CompileDefs( compileDefs ) where
-import List( sortBy, sort )
+import Data.List( sortBy, sort )
 import Types
 import HaskellNames
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileDefs.hs 82
   = case defType def of
       DefInt    -> "Int"
       DefMask   -> "BitFlag"
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileHeader.hs 20
 import qualified MultiSet
 import Data.Time( getCurrentTime)
-import Char( toUpper, isUpper )
-import List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse, zipWith4 )
+import Data.Char( toUpper, isUpper )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse, zipWith4 )
 import Types
 import HaskellNames
hunk ./wxdirect/src/CompileHeader.hs 244
                     CChar   -> "Char"
                     CVoid   -> "Void"
                     other   -> ""
hunk ./wxdirect/src/DeriveTypes.hs 22
 import qualified Set
 import qualified Map
-import Char( toLower, toUpper, isSpace, isLower, isUpper )
-import List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse )
+import Data.Char( toLower, toUpper, isSpace, isLower, isUpper )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf, sort, sortBy, intersperse )
 import Types
 import HaskellNames
hunk ./wxdirect/src/DeriveTypes.hs 724
                   then Method cname (Set (drop 4 method))
                   else Method cname (Normal (drop 1 method))
          (_,_)-> Name s
hunk ./wxdirect/src/HaskellNames.hs 21
                    ) where
 import qualified Set
-import Char( toLower, toUpper, isLower, isUpper )
+import Data.Char( toLower, toUpper, isLower, isUpper )
 import Data.Time( getCurrentTime )
hunk ./wxdirect/src/HaskellNames.hs 23
-import List( isPrefixOf )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf )
hunk ./wxdirect/src/HaskellNames.hs 189
              | c == '/'   = "\\/"
              | c == '\"'  = "\\\""
              | otherwise  = [c]
hunk ./wxdirect/src/Main.hs 20
 module Main where
-import List( isPrefixOf )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf )
 import System( getEnv )
 import System.Environment( getArgs )
hunk ./wxdirect/src/Main.hs 244
                 "\ndefault input files:\n" ++
                 unlines (map ("  "++) defaultFiles))
   where header = "usage: wxDirect -[dcti] [other options] [header-files..] 
hunk ./wxdirect/src/ParseC.hs 15
 module ParseC( parseC, readHeaderFile ) where
-import Char( isSpace )
-import List( isPrefixOf )
+import Data.Char( isSpace )
+import Data.List( isPrefixOf )
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
hunk ./wxdirect/src/ParseC.hs 276
 commaSep      = P.commaSep lexer
 identifier    = P.identifier lexer
 reserved      = P.reserved lexer
hunk ./wxdirect/src/ParseEiffel.hs 15
 module ParseEiffel( parseEiffel ) where
-import Char( digitToInt )
+import Data.Char( digitToInt )
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
 import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
hunk ./wxdirect/src/ParseEiffel.hs 156
   =   noneOf "\"%\n\v"
   <|> do{ char '%'; anyChar }
hunk ./wxdirect/src/Types.hs 119
 data CBaseType  = CVoid | CInt | CLong | CChar | TimeT | SizeT | CObject
                 deriving (Eq,Show)
[Split doc building into wxcore and wx version.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216124746] {
hunk ./makefile 443
 # this is the same as the doc target below (no 's')
-docs: doc-dirs $(DOCFILE)
+docs: doc-dirs $(WXCORE-DOCFILE)
 # wxdirect: generates haskell marshall modules
hunk ./makefile 807
 # Documentation
-DOCFILE     =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wxhaskell.haddock
-HDOCFLAGS   = --odir $(DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(DOCFILE) 
--prologue=config/prologue.txt --html $(HDOCBASES)
+WXCORE-DOCFILE     =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wxcore.haddock
+WX-DOCFILE                =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wx.haddock
+HDOCFLAGS   = --odir $(DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(WXCORE-DOCFILE) 
--prologue=config/prologue.txt --html $(HDOCBASES)
hunk ./makefile 814
-doc: doc-dirs $(DOCFILE)
+doc: doc-dirs $(WXCORE-DOCFILE) $(WX-DOCFILE)
        @$(call ensure-dir,$(DOC-OUTDIR))
hunk ./makefile 846
 # generate documentation with haddock
-$(DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(DOCSOURCES)
+$(WXCORE-DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(WXCORE-DOCSOURCES)
+$(WX-DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(WX-DOCSOURCES)
[Improve description and synopsis of cabal files.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216124832] {
hunk ./wx/wx.cabal 9
 Build-Type:     Simple
 Category:       GUI
 Cabal-Version:  >= 1.2
-Description:    wxHaskell
+Description:    wxHaskell is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell.  
It is built on top of wxWidgets - a comprehensive C++ library that is portable 
across all major GUI platforms; including GTK, Windows, X11, and MacOS X.  At 
present, it works with wxWidgets 2.6 (and sadly, not with with wxWidgets 2.8)
hunk ./wx/wx.cabal 11
-Synopsis:       wxHaskell is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell.
+Synopsis:       wxHaskell
 Data-Files:     wx.cabal
 Flag splitBase
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 7
 License-file:   license.txt
 Author:         Daan Leijen
 Build-Type:     Make
-Description:    wxHaskell core
+Description:    wxHaskell is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell.  
It is built on top of wxWidgets - a comprehensive C++ library that is portable 
across all major GUI platforms; including GTK, Windows, X11, and MacOS X.  At 
present, it works with wxWidgets 2.6 (and sadly, not with with wxWidgets 2.8)
 Cabal-Version:  >= 1.2
 Category:       GUI
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 11
-Synopsis:       wxHaskell is a portable and native GUI library for Haskell.
+Synopsis:       wxHaskell core
 Flag splitBase
     Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
[Re-add time package dependency (needed by wxdirect).
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216124853] {
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 17
     Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
     if flag(splitBase)
-        build-depends: base >= 3, parsec, array, directory, old-time
+        build-depends: base >= 3, parsec, array, directory, old-time, time
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 19
-        build-depends: base <  3, parsec
+        build-depends: base <  3, parsec, time
[Add Hs-Source-Dirs for wxcore.cabal.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216125112
 In case we ever switch to the Simple build type.
] hunk ./wxcore.cabal 45
+ Hs-Source-Dirs: wxcore/src
[Move cabal stuff to end of makefile.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216125445
 so that all variables are defined.
] {
hunk ./makefile 414
        bin/macosx-builddmg $(PACKAGEDIR) $(OUTDIR)
        @mv -f $(OUTDIR)/$(WXHASKELLINS).dmg $(WXHASKELLDMG)
        echo "created: $(WXHASKELLDMG)"
-# Cabal / Hackage stuff
-# for hackage
-dist: hackagedist
-hackagedist: hackagedist-clean dist-dirs
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXC))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXD))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXCORE))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXHASKELL-SOURCES))
-       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(SAMPLE-SOURCES))
-       @echo tarring: $(DIST-HACKAGE)
-       @$(CD) $(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR) && $(call 
-       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR))
-       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call safe-remove-file,$(DIST-HACKAGE))
-       $(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)/$(prefix) \
-                        bindir=$(destdir)/$(bindir) \
-                        libdir=$(destdir)/$(libdir) \
-                        datadir=$(destdir)/$(datadir) \
-                        libexecdir=$(destdir)/$(libexecdir)
-# this is the same as the doc target below (no 's')
-docs: doc-dirs $(WXCORE-DOCFILE)
 # wxdirect: generates haskell marshall modules
hunk ./makefile 821
 $(WX-DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(WX-DOCSOURCES)
+# Cabal / Hackage stuff
+# for hackage
+dist: hackagedist
+hackagedist: hackagedist-clean dist-dirs
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXC))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXD))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXCORE))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(WXHASKELL-SOURCES))
+       @$(call cp-hackagedist, $(SAMPLE-SOURCES))
+       @echo tarring: $(DIST-HACKAGE)
+       @$(CD) $(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR) && $(call 
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(HACKAGEDIST-OUTDIR))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call safe-remove-file,$(DIST-HACKAGE))
+       $(MAKE) install prefix=$(destdir)/$(prefix) \
+                        bindir=$(destdir)/$(bindir) \
+                        libdir=$(destdir)/$(libdir) \
+                        datadir=$(destdir)/$(datadir) \
+                        libexecdir=$(destdir)/$(libexecdir)
+# this is the same as the doc target below (no 's')
+docs: doc-dirs $(WXCORE-DOCFILE)
[Mimick cabal in placement of haddocks.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216130819] {
hunk ./makefile 775
 # Documentation
-WXCORE-DOCFILE     =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wxcore.haddock
-WX-DOCFILE                =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wx.haddock
-HDOCFLAGS   = --odir $(DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(WXCORE-DOCFILE) 
--prologue=config/prologue.txt --html $(HDOCBASES)
+DOC-OUTDIR  =$(OUTDIR)/doc/html
+WX-DOC-OUTDIR             =$(DOC-OUTDIR)/wx
+WXCORE-DOCFILE     =$(WXCORE-DOC-OUTDIR)/wxcore.haddock
+WX-DOCFILE                =$(WX-DOC-OUTDIR)/wx.haddock
+HDOCFLAGS   = --prologue=config/prologue.txt --html $(HDOCBASES)
hunk ./makefile 788
 doc: doc-dirs $(WXCORE-DOCFILE) $(WX-DOCFILE)
-       @$(call ensure-dir,$(DOC-OUTDIR))
+       @$(call ensure-dir,$(WXCORE-DOC-OUTDIR))
+       @$(call ensure-dir,$(WX-DOC-OUTDIR))
hunk ./makefile 792
-       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(DOC-OUTDIR))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(WXCORE-DOC-OUTDIR))
+       [EMAIL PROTECTED](call full-remove-dir,$(WX-DOC-OUTDIR))
 # copy documentation to the wxhaskell website
 webdoc: doc
hunk ./makefile 820
 # generate documentation with haddock
 $(WXCORE-DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(WXCORE-DOCSOURCES)
+       $(HDOC) --odir $(WXCORE-DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(WXCORE-DOCFILE)  
 $(WX-DOCFILE): config/prologue.txt $(WX-DOCSOURCES)
hunk ./makefile 823
+       $(HDOC) --odir $(WX-DOC-OUTDIR) --dump-interface=$(WX-DOCFILE) 
 # Cabal / Hackage stuff
[Bump to 0.10.2.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080216130854] {
hunk ./configure 15
 # Versioning
hunk ./wx/wx.cabal 2
 Name:           wx
-Version:        0.10.1
+Version:        0.10.2
 License:        LGPL
 License-file:   license.txt
 Author:         Daan Leijen
hunk ./wxcore.cabal 2
 Name:           wxcore
-Version:        0.10.1
+Version:        0.10.2
 License:        LGPL
 License-file:   license.txt
 Author:         Daan Leijen


[Fix some dependencies that Ross Paterson pointed out.
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080215181444] 
[TAG 0.10.1
Eric Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>**20080215173503] 
Patch bundle hash:

Attachment: pgpXXSSATNTIT.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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