Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce that as of last night UK time, and with the help of
a Google Talk mini-hackathon from Eric (thanks Eric :-), wxHaskell has been
restored to code.haskell.org.

Compared to the released version on cabal, this contains the following

   - Change to hasked darcs repo, whcih should make complete repo pulls much
   - Patches from Eric to enable wxHaskell to build against Haskell Platform
   - Removal of quite a few deprecated and removed functions, particularly
   ODBC bindings.
   - Support build with both wxWidgets 2.8.x and 2.9.x (see below)
   - Remove a number of warnings
   - Change Cabal license type from LGPL to 'Other'. This is *not* a license
   change: wxHaskell has always been licensed under the wxWidgets license.
   While this is very similar to LGPL, it differs in one absolutely vital area,
   which is that it explicitly allows for binary distribution of closed source
   programs which simply use wxHaskell, and I wanted our cabal stanzas to
   reflect this..
   - Version bump to 0.13 to reflect support for wxWidgets 2.9
   - Bugfix for assert error in SearchDynamicEventTable which was found in
   debug builds. I believe that this is a proper fix for an issue Eric noted a
   couple of months back.

I would like to make a new wxHaskell release fairly shortly, but there are a
few issues which *may* need changes before I can do so - I'd appreciate
testers to check whether there is a problem.

The main issue is that wxWidgets 2.9 is impossible to build on my Windows
machine in Monolithic mode (runs out of memory). This, of course, led to a
cascade of problems which are related to the fact that the external
wx-config program we use to determine what libraries are used on Windows has
many bugs and doesn't properly support wxWidgets 2.9 (or 2.8 when compiled
non-monolithic). Because of this there are some nasty hacks in the wxcore
Setup.hs to pull in the correct libraries, and these may cause problems with
the pre-compiled wxWidgets provided on non-Windows platforms. Please let me
know if this is the case.

I built wxWidgets (2.8.11 and 2.9.1) as follows:
Ensure that USE_HTML=1 and USE_XRC=1 are set in setup.h
> make -f makefile.gcc USE_OPENGL=1 UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 BUILD=debug

As a reminder, here's how to build wxHaskell from source, assuming that you
have wxWidgets installed with the WXWIN and WXCFG environment variables set
to point to the wxWidgets root directory and configuration respectively:

cd <place where you plan to build>
darcs get http://code.haskell.org/wxhaskell/
cd wxhaskell/wxdirect
runhaskell Setup.hs configure
runhaskell Setup.hs build
runhaskell Setup.hs install
cd ../wxcore
runhaskell Setup.hs configure
runhaskell Setup.hs build
runhaskell Setup.hs install
cd ../wx
runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
runhaskell Setup.lhs build
runhaskell Setup.lhs install

Windows users will need to run the install stanzas from within a command
windows with administrative priviledge. Note also that on Windows, your PATH
needs to have the wxWidgets DLLs present if you want to actually run

Just for information, I have (non-tested) patches on my machine for the

   - Wrapper for wxDisplay (requested by Brian Victor)
   - {H|V}Slider which supports swapped order - code graciously provided by
   Henning Thielmann
   - Wrapper OpenGL contexts

These will be added to the repo as soon as I have convinced myself that they
work on more than one machine ;-)

Thanks to all for your patience.

Best regards
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