Hi an40n10,

an40n10 wrote:
No such 'link' library: 'stc' at
Wx-0.92/build/Wx/build/MakeMaker.pm line 211

MakeMaker at that line has:
sub get_core_lib {
  my( $this, @libs ) = @_;
  print "Getting lib: ", join "\n",@libs;
  return join ' ', Alien::wxWidgets->libraries( @libs );

and infact it hangs when it's called with (stc,core).

Now... I haven't understood  yet what stc package, binary, module, ...
should I install to solve the problem.

The STC library it's talking about is part of the wxWidgets package. It's not built by default, but can be found under the /contrib folders of the wx sources.

It's probably a bit unintuitive that Alien::wxWidgets lets you away without having STC available despite it being required by the Wx Perl module, but that's a separate issue :-)

I don't know about Mac, but personally on Linux I just let Alien::wxWidgets download, configure and build wxWidgets itself despite having built the binaries myself beforehand, just because I found that easier.

You mightn't want to do that I hope you've got more to work with now you know what 'STC' it's talking about. (I'd be surprised if those Qt ports would be much use for Wx.)

Good luck,

-- Ryan

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