
I've narrowed down the error about not being able to call C++ methods using a different package name in Perl.

The C++ class is called wxWebView, but I want to access it in Perl with Wx::WebKit->new() as this would be more intuitive for people.

I've set the Wx::WebKit as the package name in the xs and the module name, but it always leads to the error 'variable is not of type Wx::WebView'.

I'm using the O_WXOBJECT typemap for WebView *, and I can see that I must be failing the assertion "if( !classname || sv_derived_from( scalar, CHAR_P classname ) )" in helpers.cpp line 371.

Since sv_derived_from() checks inheritance at the C level, I don't know why this is failing.

It only fails when I try to invoke methods on the object in Perl, not when creating it.

What do I need to do to use the package name I want in Perl?


-- Ryan

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