Dne 8.1.2010 14:24, Steve Cookson napsal(a):
Can you do a "LoadFile" too?
Probably, but I did not get to it yet.
Hi Jiri,

I've tried:

53      my $HTML_handler = Wx::RichTextHTMLHandler->new;
54      open (my $fh, "<output.htm") or die "cant open output file: $!";
55      my $buffer = "";
56      $HTML_handler->LoadFile ($buffer, $fh);
57      $self->{rich_text_ctrl_1}->SetValue ($buffer );

Where I've just created output.htm from SaveFile, and I get:

"Variable is not an object: it must have type Wx::RichTextBuffer at
C:\Documents and Settings\Steve.....\deleteme_RichText2.pl line 56."

The error message tells you what to do. Buffer has to be 'x::RichTextBuffe object.

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