
IF Padre has a problem with 0.95 / 0.96 on linux - you'd need to check that first - I'm just making a guess. But perhaps there isn't a problem. Come to think of it, if Johan can view the wxDemo example code displayed correctly in an STC window, then there probably isn't an issue with STC. I recall there are these sorts of problems with more than html - I just can't recall which components specifically.

If there were an issue, then it seems to me the simplest thing would be to make 0.97 a requirement

cpan Padre

should then do the right thing.

On 04/05/2010 15:56, Zeno Gantner wrote:
Hi Mark,

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Mark Dootson<mark.doot...@znix.com>  wrote:

Wx 0.96 passes all tests - so not fault of Ubuntu folks.
The change was introduced in version 0.95, as I recall, in response to a
user issue with PAR::Packer.
I'm not sure if one could write a test that would tell you if Wx::HtmlWindow
is rendering as expected.

A pity that this ended up in Ubuntu LTS 10.4. It will probably trip up the
Padre folks too as they use STC.

Would you recommend that Padre should try to avoid 0.95 and 0.96, and
maybe issue a warning (either at runtime, or when running perl Makefile.PL)
if one of those versions of Wx is installed?

Best regards,

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