Hi Everyone,

Padre, the perl IDE, has a number of plugins, which can also be

While looking into and issue relating to problems with the plugins not
being translated, even though the po and mo files are there, I keep
seeing this output in the console when the language is changed:

15:47:08: Error: Cannot set locale to 'de_DE'.

This gets written out 20 times ( possibly linked to the number of
components doing relocale stuff - I really don't know ).

I'm not sure where this is happening, ie, if it's a Wx output, or a
Padre output, grepping for "Cannot set locale" through Padre's source
doesn't reveal a line, so I'm wondering if it's a problem that Wx is

Also, while reading through the docs on Locale stuff I came across this:

bool AddCatalog(const char *szDomain)

Now in perl, when I do something like this:

my $ok = $locale->AddCatalog("$prefix-$code");

$ok, should have 1 if successful?

in my tests, this doesn't appear to be the case.



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