Hi, After some years I noticed that a possible reason for my app very occasionally crashing when it terminates *could* be this:

I have a window with an OnIdle event handled with the (dummy) code:

sub OnIdle {
  my( $this, $event ) = @_;

Normally the app is running without a console window (on Windows), but by complete chance I noticed an error message which read something like: Can't call Skip on an undefined value. Didn't write it down at the time (yes, yes I know), but my memory of the error was that it looked more like an error internal to Wx than something that I could trap with an "if ($event)"?

The error would only be triggered during app closedown and I guess I have no idea how to reliably reproduce this, nor exactly which versions of Wx would be affected, so really it's more of a heads up in case someone wanted to stare at the code a little... In a nutshell it's *possible* that there is a bug caused with some kind of re-entrancy of the OnIdle event while the window/app is closing...

Sorry, not all that helpful, but thought it useful to post something than nothing

(The code is now removed from my app - can't remember why it was even there - obviously was planning something interesting that never got coded...)

Thanks for the wonderful WxPerl

Ed W

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