
I didn't recall seeing Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown.
It turns out there's a pod format error in Win32.pm - whitespace after item=Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown.

So documentation for this appears under section for Win32::Guidgen.

If you're like me, and use the nice formated html help with ActivePerl, you are probably going to miss the Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown documentation.

On 09/09/2010 18:24, Jan Dubois wrote:
On Thu, 09 Sep 2010, Renée Bäcker wrote:

Am 09.09.2010 14:03, schrieb Johan Vromans:
How can I shut down Windows from a wxPerl application?

Have you tried Win32::ShutDown?? http://search.cpan.org/dist/Win32-ShutDown

I wonder why this module exists.  Is there something broken
with Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown(), which has been included
in core Perl for at least 10 years now (in the Win32.pm module)?


PS: I'm similarly baffled by the existence Win32::GuidGen module, given
     that Win32::GuidGen() is already a function in Win32.pm too.

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