On 12.9.2010 14:46, Octavian Rasnita wrote:

Can WxPerl be used with Moose?

I have tried the following test program:

package WxTrial;

use Moose;
use Wx;

extends 'Wx::SimpleApp';


package main;

#my $t = WxTrial->new;

my $t = WxTrial->new(foo =>  "bar");

The program gives the following error if I use it with the parameter foo =>  

sub must be a CODE reference at E:/usr/site/lib/Wx/App.pm line 36.

It doesn't give any error if I don't use any parameter with the new();



This is not Moose related.  The code below will give you the same result.

package WxTrial;

use Wx;

@WxTrial::ISA = 'Wx::SimpleApp';


package main;

my $t = WxTrial->new(foo => "bar");

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