29.09.2010 21:38, herbert breunung:
you message is a bit confusing to be, you already make a timeout by saying
10000, the amount of milliseconds it should stay. or you say:

        my $sc;
        BEGIN {
                require Wx::Perl::SplashFast;
                $sc = Wx::Perl::SplashFast->new('/pfad/zum/logo.jpg');

herbert aka lichtkind
I'm sorry for my bad English. Yes in my example i use timeout, but if i click to Splash screen it will be closed, and now matter when i click, at 1second or 9. I want that Splash did not close by mouse click on it. i try your example in minimal perl app.
use Wx;
package MyFrame;
use strict;
use base qw(Wx::Frame);
sub new {
  my( $class, $label ) = @_;
  my $this = $class->SUPER::new( undef, -1, $label );

package main;
my $sc;
    BEGIN {
        require Wx::Perl::SplashFast;
        $sc = Wx::Perl::SplashFast->new('./res/image/start.png');
my $app = Wx::SimpleApp->new;
my $frame = MyFrame->new( "Minimal wxPerl app" );

and splash screen closed after 1 or 2 seconds at start , or immediately if click to splash.

 I hope i can explain that i need.

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