Thank you, it was fast.
Change dynamically - what do you mean ?

Thanx again!


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:11 PM, herbert breunung <>wrote:

> i think you could since XRC is as far I know. 100% XML 1.0,
> but why not change it dynamically if you want to use that xrc and not
> change
> it anyway?
> hope it helps
> Am 01.10.2010 22:50, schrieb Laslo Forro:
> > Hi there,
> > I have an XRC file with a Combobox widget :
> >
> >  <object class="wxComboBox" name="_project_chooser">
> >                     <handler event="EVT_COMBOBOX">_combo_event</handler>
> >                     <style>wxCB_DROPDOWN|wxCB_READONLY</style>
> >                     <selection>0</selection>
> >                     <focused>1</focused>
> >                     <content>
> >                         <item>New...</item>
> >                     </content>
> >                 </object>
> >
> > Can I change the <content> part adding new items dynamically using some
> > WxXML* module or it it better using some XML module like XML::Twig and
> feed
> > it to WxXMLResource?
> > I thought of using WxXML* but I have not got enlightenment how to do it.
> > Thanks for the help in advance!
> > Bests
> > Laslo
> >

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