Dear Mailing List,

I am trying to install Padre 0.80 on OS X 10.5.8, with the system Perl 5.8.8.

I followed the instruction at .

I managed to get a clean install of most of the dependencies, which was a bit challenging. For the record : - "test Test::Harness" fails when using "sudo wxperl -MCPAN..." but is fine with "sudo perl -MCPAN...". Complains about a bareword in / System/Library/. I guess the path to is somehow the cause. - "install Pod::Simple" (for version 3.15) reports success but the version remains stubbornly stuck at 3.05 no matter how many time I tried. - "test Wx::Perl::ProcessStream (for version 0.29) fails with several "wxMacExecute Bad bundle:" error, but I guess that will be the subject of a separate post.

The reason for this post is that I am now stuck at step 4, namely CPAN's "make Wx" (for 0.98) fails with several "Error: Function definition too short 'INCLUDE_COMMAND:" . A bit of Googling revealed that in March 2010, Erik Colson reported to this mailing list those very same errors in the same lines of the same files, for Wx 0.97 and Perl 5.10. (see . Back the, answer was that he needed a new ExtUtils::XSpp and ExtUtils::ParseXS. The same errors were also reported for Gentoo Linux ( with Perl 5.8.8. This second report attributed the error to a bug in ExtUtils::ParseXS and reported it fixed in ParseXS 2.22.03.

However, I believe my situation is somewhat different, because during the dependency update for Padre, I picked up ParseXS 2.2206, which I guess would contain the aforementionned fix...

Hence the question: What gives ?

Any suggestion appreciated.


PS: I have not attached Wx installation log because of its length. The only bit that looks suspicious to my untrained eye is :
cpan> make Wx
[...] Going to build M/MB/MBARBON/Wx-0.98.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
'WX' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name.
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lwx_macu_media-2.8

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