
The following would currently work, I think - but relies on the 'naming' of the html window frame. I use it to stop the helpcontroller ruining the app menu on wxMAC. You could also set the frame icons etc - but I use ArtProvider for that.

my $h = Wx::HtmlHelpController->new( wxHF_FLATTOOLBAR|wxHF_DEFAULTSTYLE );
$h->AddBook( $htb_file, 1 );
if(my $hframe = Wx::Window::FindWindowByName('wxHtmlHelp')) {
       ( [wxACCEL_CTRL, ord 'w', wxID_CLOSE],
         [wxACCEL_NORMAL, 27, wxID_CLOSE],



On 04/03/2011 23:42, Johan Vromans wrote:
my $h = Wx::HtmlHelpController->new( wxHF_FLATTOOLBAR|wxHF_DEFAULTSTYLE );
     $h->AddBook( $htb_file, 1 );

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