Hi Guys,

I have the same problem:

>>> Warning: duplicate function definition 'SetSelection' detected in
XS/ComboBox.xs, line 176
>>> make: *** [Controls.c] Error 1

It happens in the antepenultimate line - make (not often you get a chance to
use a word like that).

I've tried your solution:

>>> The only thing to 'try' which should not, but might make a difference is

>>> to ensure your target Perl is first on the path

With the standard default location /usr/bin/perl like this:

export PATH=/usr/bin/perl:$PATH

But with no difference in outcome.

I suspect the warning about ComboBox is a diversion because I have seen it
in healthy builds.  Plus it IS true, 'SetSelection' in ComboBox both chooses
a line from a drop-down list and allows you to select a range of text in the
text-entry part of the box.  Maybe we should do something about it when we
have a chance.  So therefore the real error is

- [Controls.c] Error 1

What is Controls.c?

Full install script follows. As per Mark's earlier recommendation, if you
try out the script: set it running and go and make a coffee, or two, or ...



# wxWidgets

wget -r -nd
tar -xzvf wxGTK-2.9.2.tar.gz
cd wxGTK-2.9.2
mkdir build-GTK
cd build-GTK
apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev 
../configure --with-gtk --enable-debug --enable-mediactrl
make install

# alien

svn co
cd Alien-wxWidgets
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/local/wxtesting-2.9.2/widgets/lib
export PERL5LIB=/var/local/wxtesting-2.9.2/perl/lib
perl Build.PL --wxWidgets-extraflags="--enable-graphics_ctx
--disable-compat26 --enable-mediactrl --with-libjpeg=builtin
--with-libpng=builtin --with-regex=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin
--with-zlib=builtin --with-expat=builtin --with-libxpm=builtin"
--wxWidgets-build='yes' --wxWidgets-source='tar.bz2' --wxWidgets-unicode=1
--wxWidgets-build-opengl=1 --wxWidgets-version=2.9.2

perl Build test
perl Build install


mkdir wxPerl
cd wxPerl
svn co https://wxperl.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wxperl/wxPerl/trunk wxPerl
cd wxPerl
export PATH=/usr/bin/perl:$PATH 
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/var/local/wxtesting-2.9.2/perl --disable-stc
make test
make install

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