
Within an EVT_PAINT handler you should always use Wx::PaintDC. Wx::ClientDC is only for drawing outside the PAINT event handler.

It also probably makes sense to only call the drawing code within the EVT_PAINT handler. You should find that a resize causes repainting anyhow.

If you want to cause a repaint from your own code, better to call $window->Refresh(); which will cause a paint event when the system is ready to paint. Revisit the $window->Refresh() docs to remind yourself of the params that takes and experiment with what you might need.

Hope it helps.


On 18/08/2012 14:55, Johan Vromans wrote:

Usually I use Wx::StaticBitmap to display images, but now I decided to
give the 'official' way a try.

So I have something similar to:

sub draw {
     my $img = Wx::Image->new( ... );
     ... some image manipulations ...
     my $bm = Wx::Bitmap->new( $img );
     my $dc = Wx::ClientDC->new( $panel );
     $dc->DrawBitmap( $bm, 0, 0, 0 );

I call this subroutine from the PAINT and SIZE events.

It works fine, except for flicker. Every time a new image is drawn,
there's flicker. I've verified that the draw routine is called only once
so that cannot be the problem. Apparently I'm overlooking something.

Any hints?


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