
On 31/08/2012 20:49, herbert breunung wrote:

I alright wrote here that I do currently some helper modules and after im more
familiar with dzil and their API gets more stable i want to ship them to cpan.
However after we get more and more Wx::Perl modules (didnt knew even
Wx::Perl::ListCtrl) i would like du bundle them into the module Wx::Perl
or Wx::Perl::Bundle.

I think the Wx::Perl:: namespace has always indicated pure Perl modules so "Wx::Perl::Bundle" looks like a good name for a bundle of all of these.

However the more important question I like to ask you all is how consistent
has the API be bewtween all of these modules. Especially what is now
Kephra::App::Splitter has named parameters because IMO

....Splitter->new( parent =>  $win, $left=>  $w1, right=>  $w2, gravity=>  

is to me much clearer.

im really interested i you view.

I think the modules on CPAN generally stick to the parameter conventions of the existing main Wx.

I think that probably many long time Wx users have their own versions of this in place. Having to pass all previous parameters when you just want a 'style' generally drives a person to implement a way of overcoming this.

The GUI parts of Citrus Perl rely on a set of modules prefixed CP::Wx:: that take care of this. The modules themselves are just a renamed port of internal modules in other applications.

For example, a code snippet


my $dname_label = CP::Wx::StaticText->new($self, label => t('Distribution')); my $dname = CP::Wx::ValidatedText->new($self, vdata => $vdata, vdatafield => 'citrusname', style => wxTE_READONLY); my $version_label = CP::Wx::StaticText->new($self, label => t('Version')); my $version = CP::Wx::ValidatedText->new($self, vdata => $vdata, vdatafield => 'citrusversion', style => wxTE_READONLY);
    my $perl_label = CP::Wx::StaticText->new($self, label => t('Perl'));
my $perl = CP::Wx::ValidatedText->new($self, vdata => $vdata, vdatafield => 'citrusperl', style => wxTE_READONLY); my $widgets_label = CP::Wx::StaticText->new($self, label => t('wxWidgets')); my $widgets = CP::Wx::ValidatedText->new($self, vdata => $vdata, vdatafield => 'citruswidgets', style => wxTE_READONLY);


Examples of simple wrappers are in CP::Wx::Control and the code that makes it work is in CP::Wx::Window. It is intended to make it v simple to implement new wrappers for new controls simply by looking at CP::Wx::Control.

It currently lurks only in Citrus Perl as probably CP::Wx:: is not a reasonable namespace - but I like it being short. Also, such things are fairly useless to a wider community without documentation.

So - in answer to your question - yes, named params make absolute sense to me - but my view is that it needs to be outside the main Wx dist. The main Wx dist replicates as far as is possible the C++ interface - which means that the C++ docs, more or less, work for wxPerl too.

I hope the above relates to your questions.



herbert aka lk

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