
It was a long time happening, but this is fixed in Wx 0.9912 recently released to cpan.



On 01/12/2010 21:06, Eric J. Roode wrote:
    I have a small test program that consistently crashes.  I can't tell
if the crash is due to Wx or Perl, but I can trigger it on and off by
how I use a recent Perl feature.
  Here is the program (it is also attached as "test.pl <http://test.pl>"):

    use Wx;
    package MyApp;
    use base 'Wx::App';
    use MyList;
    sub OnInit
         my $self = shift;
         my $frame = Wx::Frame->new(undef, -1, 'title');
         my $panel = Wx::Panel->new($frame);
         MyList->new(parent => $panel, pos => [10, 30], size => [500, 200]);
         return 1;
    # ---------------------------------
    # Create the application object, and pass control to it.
    package main;
    my $app = MyApp->new;

"MyList" is a control derived from Wx::ListCtrl.  Here is its code (also
attached as "MyList.pm"):

    package MyList;
    use Modern::Perl;
    use Wx qw(:listctrl);
    use base 'Wx::ListCtrl';
    use Hash::Util::FieldHash;
    Hash::Util::FieldHash::fieldhash     # This is line 7
    my %some_attribute;
    sub new
         my $class = shift;
         my %parm = @_;
         my $pos  = $parm{pos}  || [-1, 1];
         my $size = $parm{size} || [-1, 1];
         # Construct list control object
         my $self  = $class->SUPER::new($parm{parent}, -1, $pos, $size,
                                        wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_HRULES |
         # Init member data
         $some_attribute{$self} = 'sad';
         # Initialize column
         $self->InsertColumn(0, 'Zero');
         return $self;

     This is a pretty straightforward, inside-out object.  It doesn't do
anything but call Wx::ListCtrl's constructor with some fixed style
parameters, and inserts a column titled "Zero".  It stores the value
"sad" in a member attribute that is a Fieldhash.
     This program crashes consistently every time I run it.  My system
is Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, 4gb RAM, dual-monitor, with Strawberry
Perl 5.12.1 (MSWin32-x86-multi-thread), with Wx.pm version 0.98, and
wxWidgets 2.8.10.  The Windows Error Report is attached as "WEReport.txt".
     Now the interesting part:  Comment out line 7 (turning
%some_attribute from a field hash into a regular old hash), and the
program no longer crashes.  I don't know if Hash::Util::FieldHash is
doing something bad, or if it's doing something that confuses Wx, or if
Wx is doing something bad.
Eric J. Roode

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