@Steve: yes ist a new and clean installation
@Garu: I tried to follow the steps under WARNING and that didn't work, thats 
why I was writing this call for help...
I don't know what's wrong here. Is there any Win7-User with newest Citrus Perl 
installed who can check if it works on his/her system? Maybe its a bug.

Nevertheless perhaps there is another solution for my problem. What I want to 
do is resize an Image and save it to disk. Do I need Image::Magick for that?

     breno <oainikus...@gmail.com> schrieb am 21:57 Mittwoch, 14.Januar 2015:


Hi Daniel,

Wx::Perl::Imagick does indeed require Image::Magick. It's actually a bit 
strange that it installed successfully without complaining about not finding 

Did you install the external "ImageMagick" library before trying to install the 
Image::Magick module? If not, you should try and follow the notes under 
"WARNING" in the logs you pasted, download and install the binaries, then 
trying again.

After you get the Image::Magick module working (you should probably be able to 
check by typing "perl -MImage::Magick -E1" on the command line and seeing if it 
doesn't complain about the module not being installed), I suggest you reinstall 

Let us know how it goes!



On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Steve Cookson - gmail <steveco.1...@gmail.com> 

  Hi Daniel,
 It's a while since I used ImageMagick, although I have had it running in the 
 I don't use Citrus, or indeed Windows, myself, but I know others here do.
 Is it a clean install?
 It sounds as if your problems are linked.
 Maybe if you looked into the first one, the second would fall into place.
 On 14/01/15 14:30, Daniel wrote:
  Did anyone get Wx::Perl::Imagick running under windows 7 with citrus perl? 
  I have installed it with cpan Wx::Perl::Imagick, that was successful. Anyway, 
I can not use it because it requires Image::Magick. 
  This does not install with cpan Image::Magick: 
  C:\perl\bin>cpan Image:Magick
 Reading 'C:\perl\cpan\Metadata'
   Database was generated on Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:53:17 GMT
 Running install for module 'Image::Magick'
 Running make for J/JC/JCRISTY/PerlMagick-6.89-1.tar.gz
 Checksum for 
 gz ok
   CPAN.pm: Building J/JC/JCRISTY/PerlMagick-6.89-1.tar.gz
 ################################### WARNING! 
 # It seems that you are trying to install Perl::Magick on a MS Windows box with
 # perl + gcc compiler (e.g. strawberry perl), however we cannot find 
 # binaries installed on your system.
 # Please check the following prerequisites:
 # 1) You need to have installed ImageMagick Windows binaries from
 #    http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows
 # 2) We only support dynamic (DLL) ImageMagick binaries
 #    note: it is not possible to mix 32/64-bit binaries of perl and ImageMagick
 # 3) During installation select that you want to install ImageMagick's
 #    development files (libraries+headers)
 # 4) You also need to have ImageMagick's directory in your PATH
 #    note: we are checking the presence of convert.exe and/or identify.exe 
 # 5) You might need Visual C++ Redistributable Package installed on your system
 #    see instructions on ImageMagick's Binary Release webpage
 # We are gonna continue, but chances for successful build are very low!
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lMagickCore
 Writing Makefile for Image::Magick
 Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
 Der Befehl "dmake.exe" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
 konnte nicht gefunden werden.
   dmake.exe -- NOT OK
 Running make test
   Can't test without successful make
 Running make install
   Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
  I have installed the binarys, the installtest works fine: 
C:\Users\anwender>convert wizard: wizard.jpg
 C:\Users\anwender>convert wizard.jpg win:
  I have installed the mingw too 
and configured with citrusutils.exe so that should not be the problem.
    Any idea? 
  Thanks Daniel


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