I have upgrade to a recent strawberry and the installation of Wx was painless. 
The errors when the main frame close are gone.

I'm now learning with Wx::Demo and I'm trying to use and XRC file to build an 

I have 3 files (see below). The xrc folder has been copied from 

It contains the resource.xrc file and 5 gif files that are used in resource.xrc.

When I run my code I received the following errors

13:11:10: Unknown image data format.
13:11:10: XRC error: 21: cannot create bitmap from "fileopen.gif"

I'm surely missing something pretty obvious, but ...

Thanks for help


My files are

use strict;
use warnings;
use Xrc;
my $a = Xrc->new;



use Wx::XRC;
use strict;
use warnings;
package Xrc;

use strict;
use base qw(Wx::Panel Class::Accessor::Fast);

use Wx::Event qw(EVT_BUTTON EVT_MENU);

__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors( qw(xrc app) );

sub new {
    my( $class, $parent ) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $parent );

    # load XRC file
    $self->{xrc} = Wx::XmlResource->new();

    $self->{app} = Wx::SimpleApp->new;
    return $self;

sub show_frame {
    my( $self ) = @_;

    my $frame = Wx::Frame->new
      ( undef, -1, 'XML resources demo', [50, 50], [450, 340] );
      my $menubar = $self->xrc->LoadMenuBar( 'mainmenu' );
       my $toolbar = $self->xrc->LoadToolBar( $self, 'toolbar' );

      $frame->SetMenuBar( $menubar );
       $frame->SetToolBar( $toolbar );

    EVT_MENU( $frame, Wx::XmlResource::GetXRCID( 'menu_quit' ),
              sub { $frame->Close } );
    EVT_MENU( $frame, Wx::XmlResource::GetXRCID( 'menu_dlg1' ),
              sub { $self->show_dialog( $frame, undef ) } );


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <object class="wxMenuBar" name="mainmenu">
    <object class="wxMenu" name="menu_file">
      <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_dlg1">
      <object class="separator"/>
      <object class="wxMenuItem" name="menu_quit">
  <object class="wxToolBar" name="toolbar">
    <object class="tool" name="menu_open">
      <tooltip>Open catalog</tooltip>
    <object class="tool" name="menu_save">
      <tooltip>Save catalog</tooltip>

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