We need Wx for implementing Linux (64-bit), Windows (64-bit) and Mac OS X
GUIs using ActiveState's PDK. Wx (as of 0.9928) does not work for Perl 5.20
on any of those platforms according to ActiveState (see

I wonder whether there is any plan to support new versions of Perl on
ActiveState's PDK?



From: Mark Dootson
> Date: September 19, 2012 09:04
> Subject: wxPerl and ActiveState PDK
> Message ID: 5059ecd5.5060...@znix.com


> I just went to review how packaging Wx applications with the ActiveState
> PDK currently works as I have not tested this in some time - and
> somewhere along the line it all got fixed.
> I've bothered to test PDK 8.2.1, 9.1.1 and 9.2 against current Wx
> release on Windows, and everything just works now as it is supposed to.
> There still may be a need for 'son of Wx::Perl::Packager' on Linux and
> MacOSX as I have no idea if the PDK does magic things with
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH / DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on those systems. I'll investigate
> and fix if needed - which will just be a few lines of code anyway rather
> that the monster mess that Wx::Perl::Packager became.
> I don't know how or where this got fixed just yet (Wx / PDK ?) but
> thought I'd share that Wx::Perl::Packager is no longer needed on Windows.
> The --dyndll PDK option does not work - which is a fault / feature of Wx
> that I'm happy to live with.
> Regards
> Mark

and ActiveState PDK September 19, 2012 09:04 *Mark Dootson*

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