I've set up a new, independent repo for wxPerl on
GitHub: https://github.com/sciurius/wxPerl

It has two branches: wx30 and master.

Branch wx30 contains an updated version of 0.9932, fixed for modern
Perl and wxWidgets 3.0. I have released it as Wx-0.9933.

The master branch has been updated with all necessary changes for wxWidgets
3.2. Also some constants and methods have been added to deploy some 3.2
functionality. More will be added in the futuren.

I have released this as Wx-3.2.000, where (obviously) 3.2 indicates the
wxWidgets version.

Wx-0.9933 should build and be useful on Linux, macOS and Windows with
wxWidgets 3.0.

Wx-3.2.000 should build and be useful on Linux, macOS and Windows with
wxWidgets 3.2.

Note that some tests fail but everything seems to work fine.

Please give it a try. PRs are welcome.
Issues can be reported on https://github.com/sciurius/wxPerl/issues. 

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